HOA Board Governance
As a homeowner and resident of The Vineyards, you are a dues-paying member of the Home Owners Association (HOA) and are represented by the Board of Directors which you elect. The purposes of the Board are many, but their over-arching responsibility is to ensure the fair and equitable enforcement of the by-laws and covenants under which our community operates. In addition, they are tasked with developing and adhering to fiscal budgets as well as providing overall direction to the process of keeping The Vineyards one of Williamsburg's premier communities.
Board Members are elected at the HOA's annual meeting which is held at the Vineyards Clubhouse on Jockeys Neck Trail. Each member holds a term of 2 years. Any home owner who is current with their dues can stand for election to the HOA Board. We encourage residents to be active in the the HOA as it is a vital aspect of life at The Vineyards.
HOA Board of Directors
Board Members are lot-owners in good standing of the Vineyards and are nominated by the Nominations Committee, or nominated from the floor at the annual meeting and voted in by the members of the Vineyards HOA by private, written ballot. Nominees with the largest number of votes are then voted in. The Board is comprised of not less than three, but no more than five persons each of which serve for a two year term.
The Board must meet at least quarterly, but a monthly meeting has been established as best practice. The meeting is held on the second Monday of each moth (when possible) at the Vineyards Clubhouse. The monthly meeting of the board is open and all home owners are encouraged to attend. Time will always be made for feedback during these meetings. The schedule for the meetings is posted on this website on the community calendar.
The Board is also responsible for appointing the Officers who's titles are:
President - Jeff Barnes
Vice President / ARC Chair - Diana Skelton
Treasurer - Maggie LaCasse
Secretary - Susan Miller
Member-at-large - Ellen Spore
Committees appointed by the Board are:
Architectural Review Committee
Nominations Committee
Maintenance Committee
Dam Committee
Any other as deemed appropriate by the Board
For an in-depth listing of the Powers and Duties of the Board Members and Officers please see you copy of the 2008 Amended By-Laws. This page is for general information only and is not necessarily complete, so your by-laws are the prevailing document.
Dam Update:
Longhill has started assembling material. As soon as weather permits, work will start.
ATTENDANCE: Ellen Spore, Danny Switzer, Jim Akridge, Bill Lipko, Melissa Sabb. Full board present
I. Call to Order:
II. Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved
III. Lake Report: Dan Whitten
Solitude was observed on the lake on Monday, January 6. The lake is gradually freezing over with the cold weather.
IV. Maintenance: Ron Staples
Ron reports that the light poles mentioned will be addressed. We also need to look at the ground lights around the gazebo and at the front entrance which appear to be damaged by ground crews. The board commends Ron for looking at the new tree business as a possible partner. Please make sure that all the workers’ compensation documents are turned in to Brooks Realty.
V. Hospitality: Ellen Spore
Ellen reported that the Christmas party was well attended, despite the miserable weather that day. The turnout was impressive. There are plans in the works for a St. Patrick’s Day party on Friday, March 14. There are future plans for Derby de Mayo in May as well. Attendance has steadily been increasing at all events.
VI. ARC: Diana Skelton
There were no applications this month.
VII. Treasurer’s Report: Maggie LaCasse
Maggie reported that we have $299k in the Reserve account versus the required $178k. About half of this will go to the dam, but we anticipate $50k will be reimbursed by the grant. That leaves about $100k for capital improvements. Some of the money will be used for the upper dam repair. At the end of the year we need to have $163k in reserves.
On the Expense side. income was $3k better than budget. Maggie has reviewed tree contracts with Ron; future contracts require at least 2 signatures.
VIII. Dam Report: Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge
Longhill Excavating has moved some equipment onto the site. They are waiting for the ground to dry out before starting work. Danny has a call into the engineers to discuss the sand and gravel required for the work. The soil has to be analyzed as to sand size before ordering. We discussed giving the community a brief update on the work at this point. Melissa brought in documents that show the liability and insurance coverage for the company executing the work. Their company and their reputation are excellent. The work is also done with the coordination of engineers, and the county and state. The final project is approved to send to the state. Daily pictures of the work are sent to the state as well. Much time and effort has gone into this work by our committee, and our local and state partners.
IX. New Business: Jeff Barnes
Jeff discussed the April annual meeting. We have 3 board openings. The board approved Ellen Spore as the head of the nominating committee. She did an outstanding job last year. A letter will go out to the community in March covering all aspects of the April meeting. Melissa Sabb will help us coordinate the meeting and inform the homeowners of their responsibilities also.
X. Old Business: None
XII. Community Comments: None
Next Meeting: February 10, 2025
Our contractor, Longhill Excavating, has been tied up on another job. Facing its 2-week holiday break, we've elected to defer the start of work. Longhill says our job is its priority starting Monday January 6th, weather permitting.
We'll keep you posted as we hear further.
ATTENDANCE: Ellen Spore, Danny Switzer, Jim Akridge, Bill Lipko, Jen Blankenship, Kathy Blevins, Amerika Davis
I. Call to Order: Quorum established
II. Minutes: Approved
III. Lake Report: None
IV. Maintenance: Ron Staples
Ron reported that 2 street signs have been repainted and repaired. VDOT finally fixed the latest pothole. The contract was returned by Tru-Green.
V. ARC: Diana Skelton
There was only one request, which had already been approved by the county, to replace a deck, patio, and former hot tub with a plunge pool. Items were approved.
VI. Hospitality: Ellen Spore
Ellen reported a nice turn out for the Halloween party. The Christmas party is scheduled for December 11, starting at 5:30. Everyone is invited to this wonderful annual event!
VII. Financial: Maggie LaCasse
Maggie reported that we have finished the year slightly better than budget despite the late issue costs of a pool pump and tree cutting. We will go ahead and replace the upper dam pipe while the lake is down. Maggie is waiting for the quote from Longhill Excavating on this. They will use the same product as the lower dam. Additionally, the clubhouse siding needs to be replaced. It has aged out at year 35 and will be replaced with something like Hardi-plank siding. We have $100k for projects. We will make repairs to the pool this spring and postpone a total redo for 5 years. Motion made and approved to adopt the new 2025 budget.
VIII. Dam: Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge
Danny reported that the dam materials are coming in, and work can begin in early December. Blossom approved the revised plan. It appears also that the county has approved our receiving the grant of $50k to defray some of our expenses. While Danny is out of town, Bill Lipko will fill in for him.
IX. New Business:
The budget for 2025 was approved.
X. Old Business: none
XI. Community Comments:
There was a general discussion of the lake. There is pennywort growing, and some algae. Andrew is looking at it and working on the algae. His new plan for next year is to treat more, if needed, at least 2 times monthly. Maggie has been in frequent touch with Solitude, our lake management company. Hopefully all the new hires will settle in, and we can see progress moving ahead in 2025. When the piping is completed, the lake will gradually fill back up, dependent on our annual rainfall. The vegetation will die as the water rises over time. If a homeowner wants to mow the vegetation on his property, he/she may certainly do so. Additionally, grounds will be cleaned up on the upper dam face by a contractor. We just have to get the piping completed.
We also had a brief discussion about community communication. The board will undertake a spring newsletter, time permitting. Please avail yourselves of the website.
The meeting adjourned at 4:50.
Next meeting: January 13, 2025
ATTENDANCE: Bill Lipko, Danny Switzer, Jim Akridge, Dan Whitten, Quinn Emmett, Melissa Sabb, full board
I. Call to Order: Quorum established
II. Minutes: Approved
III. Lake Report: Dan Whitten
Dan reported that the new hire, Andrew Graham, has treated the lake for planktonic algae. Because the water levels are so low, he hesitates to be more aggressive. He could also treat with a phos-bloc. Andrew recommended an aerator to move the water. The upper lake is looking good.
IV. Maintenance: Ron Staples
Ron worked on fence repairs and streetlights. There is no news on signage repair.
V. ARC: Diana Skelton
There are no formal requests.
VI. Hospitality: Ellen Spore
There will be a “Trunk or Treat” Friday at 5:00 p.m. at the clubhouse for all the community. Everyone is invited!
VII. Treasurer’s Report: Maggie LaCasse
Maggie reports $294k in the Reserve account, and $197k in cash on hand. We were $5k ahead of budget but had to spend on a new pool pump and tree removal. The budget for 2025 will go out after the meeting in November. Our insurance bill came in at a 12% increase overall. Lawn care came in at 3% more for the 3-year contract. Pool contract came in lower than anticipated. TruGreen is not in yet, and nothing from Virginia Green. We discussed doing seeding and aeration of the front entrance every other year to save money.
VIII. Dam Report: Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge
The team reported multiple meetings and discussion with Blossom, Longhill Excavating, and county officials. They discussed the leaks, the permits, the grout, along with other issues. A new proposal was sent to “Blossom for review. The pipe has been ordered. The annual inspection to DCR has been uploaded to their data base. Longhill Excavating said they would investigate the pipe via CCTV at its own cost to determine where repairs would be required.
IX. New Business: Board
The first issue was an inquiry about placement of solar panels on a house in the Vineyards, posed by a homeowner. The board responded that it is covered in our covenants and if a homeowner is interested, they need to submit an ARC form to Diana. The covenants are fairly clear about the limits of placement. The second issue was related to the pipe running from upper dam to lower dam. The pipe has a large hole in it. Longhill Excavating and Blossom have looked at the pipe. If we fix/replace pipe while doing the dam repair, it will be cheaper. Maggie has asked for a quote from the company. Lastly, Melissa Sabb delivered packets to the board covering the Corporate Transparency Act. Board will review and then get together to submit the forms by November 15.
X. Old Business: Board
No progress has been made on the Winery leases. Melissa will do a work order for locks on the pool sheds.
XI. Community Comments: None
Motion was made at 4:41 by Maggie LaCasse and seconded by Diana Skelton to move to executive session to discuss delinquencies.
Board exited executive session at 5:10. Meeting adjourned.
Next board meeting is November 11, with a focus on the budget.
September 22, 2024 Email to Blossom Engineering following meeting with Longhill Excavation:
After much deliberation, the Vineyards HOA is redirecting the Lake Ajacan repair to a new direction. It decided to pursue installation of a CIPP liner, vice Snap-Tite. There are multiple reasons.
Cost: Status with Snap-Tite installation has devolved into an unacceptable open-ended cost scenario for the HOA. The issues with external infiltration present complex problems. We understand that CIPP would require complete evacuation of the CMP to enable bottom inspection and repair of all sizable gaps/holes. At least they will be observable and known.
Risks: Snap-Tite risks grout leakage under pressure and some risk of blowout, potentially requiring emergency action to prevent grout from entering downstream wetlands. These risks implicate costs. With the inability to assess extent of possible grout leakage, the amount of grout ordered in the first instance will be conservative. On the other hand, if the amount of grout on hand turns out to be insufficient (i.e., large voids), there will be work delays pending mixing and delivery of additional grout.
Capacity: Internal pipe diameter differential between the two methods is significant. With the limitations of the existing auxiliary overflow, the greater capacity could mean the difference in saving the dam during a major precipitation event.
Costs: Based on the CIPP manufacturer’s recommendations for liner thickness, we will realize appreciable savings as opposed to the current Snap-Tite plan. Also, CIPP avoids the expense of grout strength testing by the geotechs.
Durability: CIPP offers a long-term (up to 50 years) warranty. Cost savings and greater capacity offset any durability advantage of an HDPE liner.
Grant funding: As for the Clean Water Heritage grant, Mr. John Fuqua advises that the HOA retains entitlement to the grant funding despite this change. Furthermore, he sees and agrees with the merits of this change.
Timing: This decision requires expedited amendment of the alteration permit. Kindly prepare a revised and conforming alteration permit by October 18, 2024.
Note: we are setting up a meeting with all stakeholders to review concerns. Meeting is expected to take place the week of 9/30 or 10/4 depending on availability.
Annual Dam Inspection: September 20, 2024
The annual dam inspection required by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation for regulated impounding structures has been entered into DSIS by Danny Switzer.
ATTENDANCE: Danny Switzer, Kathy Blevins, Jim Akridge, Phil and Marie Nella Lenoach, Bill Lipko, Melissa Sabb.
I. Call to Order: Quorum established with full board
II. Minutes: Approved
III. Community Comments: None
IV. Lake Report: Dan Whitten
Sad to report that Solitude has lost the lake person in our area. They are working now with a new person. Maggie spoke to them and addressed our concerns with service and algae build up.
V. Maintenance: Ron Staples
Ron worked on fence repair this month. The pool is now closed for the year, awaiting coverup. The baby pool will need a new pump next year. Ron is working on getting new contracts submitted. There are some more (4) street lights with issues. If you see one, get the number on the pole and call Ron. The lights are owned by VDOT. The latest hole in the road has been called in to them.
VI. ARC: Diana Skelton
No new requests came in this month. Routine roof and deck replacements were done.
VII. Hospitality: Kathy Blevins
The committee met recently. They have planned a “Trunk or Treat” on October 25 for the little ones to have access to candy. This does NOT replace the traditional ‘Trick or Treat’ on October 31. The Friday party starts at 5:00. Decorate your car trunk and supply candy! Food and drink available to all in the clubhouse. More details later. The traditional Christmas party will be held on December 11, a Wednesday night. More to come on both events.
VIII. Treasurer’s Report: Maggie LaCasse
Maggie reports that we are doing well on the budget, tracking about $5k ahead. She also reports that we have $292k in available cash. She is working on next year’s budget, and also our new contracts. We are assuming on increases from our vendors, especially landscape as this was a 3-year contract. She is also putting in extra money for any contingency we may encounter.
IX. Dam Report: Danny Switzer
Danny reports that the latest inspections from Longhill Excavating showing the seepage has moved them to request an additional $6K above our contract. Melissa Sabb contact the owner to get a sit-down meeting regarding the increased amount, as well as the issue of them not starting yet. The county may need to be involved.
X. New Business: Jeff Barnes
The board discussed the pool house and the pump house and the contents in both. A group of volunteers will clean them out. They will have new locks on both facilities to keep kids out. We also discussed removal of a leaning maple tree at the entrance of the property, near the well pump.
XI. Old Business: Jeff Barnes
We plan to move the next meeting to October 21 if possible. Jeff also discussed his inability to get a meeting with either Kokolis or Weatherly at the Winery to discuss contracts and fence line.
XII. Executive Session: a motion was made by Maggie LaCasse at 4:55 to adjourn open session and move to executive session; seconded by Diana Skelton. The purpose was to discuss delinquency status, possible litigation, and potential for legal intervention.
XIII. A motion made by Susan Miller and seconded by Maggie LaCasse to adjourn executive session and reconvene in open session.
XIV. Old Business: none at this point
XV. Motion to adjourn by Jeff Barnes, seconded by Maggie LaCasse, at 5:25. Unanimous vote: motion carried.
Next Board Meeting October 21, 2024
ATTENDANCE: Lois Goldberg, Danny Switzer, Jim Akridge, Susan and Ken Goff, John and Tony Herrmann, Kathy Blevins, Ellen Spore, Don Beck, Dave Greemore, Eric, Fred and Suzanne Harssema Absent: Melissa Sabb
I. Call to Order: @ 4:00 by Jeff Barnes; quorum established
II. Minutes: Approved – motion passed unanimously
III. Community Comments:
There will be a Friday Frenzy this Friday with sandwiches from The Cheese Shop. There is one more Friday Frenzy on September 6th. On another note, the road race held recently went well for the CHKD fundraiser.
IV. Lake Report: Dan Whitten
Dan reports that the lake company will come and address weeds and algae growth observed recently. He will report later.
V. Maintenance: Ron Staples
Ron reports that storm damage and fallen trees were all cleaned up. We are in peak storm season now and may experience more storms. Pool condition is in good shape. There is a new trash receptacle at the pool. Ron will also discuss keeping the pool open through September 9; he will report back on this. Streetlights have been repaired also this month. Finally, Ron heard back from VDOT. There are no plans to resurface or repair our road. They said we have “an average condition of 70. Critical condition is 60 or below.” We do not qualify yet for any new help on the roads. Our point of contact is Tracy Yeary, Transportation Operations Manager. Ron also has worked with the landscape crew on shrub maintenance this month.
VI. Financials: Maggie LaCasse
Maggie reports that we have $284k in the Reserve Account with $189k in available cash; much of this is for the dam repairs. Our 2024 budget has tracked well over the course of the year, with overages in a couple of accounts offset by favorable variances in others. Tree and shrub maintenance has tracked upwards and exceeded budget and an increase is planned for next year. So far, we are forecast to be approximately $5k better budget.
Looking at next year’s budget, Maggie noted that we have several contracts coming up for renewal. One of our larger expenses is the lawn maintenance contract with Greenskeepers. It is a 3-year contract expiring 12/31/2024; we anticipate an increase in this. We must also review the Signature Pools and Knightscapes contracts (sprinkler systems). Insurance renewal is coming due in October, but we have a broker to help navigate the best price for us. The front entrance reseeding and fertilizer costs need to be out for a bid. Assuming projections are reasonably accurate, we should have about $100 thousand for the projects we have delayed due to the dam expenses. The pergola and gazebo need attention. The pool resurfacing came in at $65k; we will probably do a less expensive patching option at $6k. It should last 5 years or so and give us time to budget for the more costly resurfacing. The clubhouse and parking lot also need attention. She also mentioned that the Hospitality Committee will get an increase in their stipend for the Frenzys. Maggie and Jeff handled several queries from homeowners about the lake treatments, the Morgan Stanley accounts, the grass cutting, the dam project, and our investments.
VII. ARC: Diana Skelton
Diana reported that 3 roofs are being replaced. The grass on the Harbin lot will be mowed.
VIII. Hospitality: Ellen Spore
Ellen and the committee will meet on Tuesday to finalize the last of the year’s plans. There will be a Friday Frenzy this Friday, and one more on September 6. More info to follow in September.
IX. Dam Report: Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge
Danny reported that the newest Longhill proposal was accepted. We can now use a truck to pour the grout, and not have to mix it by the bag. The engineers also observed that the old pipe has holes in it which will need to be filled prior to inserting the new sleeve. We do not have a start date yet. The dam committee also discussed John Fuqua’s recommendation that the grass on the side of the dam be cut only 2 times per year; the longer grass provides erosion control in the event of water over wash due to huge rainfall totals, as with a hurricane. We discussed this feature at length. Grass will be cut once a month. The board will also provide more info to the community about the dam and its progress, in addition to the monthly reports, meetings, mailings, and Annual Meeting report to the community. Jim Akridge emphasized to the attendees that he and Danny have been working on this for 3 years, hand in glove with state and county authorities. Well over a thousand hours have been invested in this project by Danny & Jim. We are still in line for the $50k grant once the work is complete. No homeowner has been assessed for this work. Thanks to Maggie for working with the financials to make sure we had the money to proceed.
X. New Business: Jeff Barnes
Jeff said that the pool will close on September 9th, providing the contract can be extended a few more days. People need to remove all toys and float devices from storage before that date. On another front, the home that is currently for sale in the Vineyards will have an approved sign in place shortly.
XI. Old Business: Jeff Barnes
Jeff said that he would see about the new door lock for the pumphouse. He will also talk to the Winery about the old fence along Jockey’s Neck Trail, which needs to be removed. Parts of it are long gone, collapsed, or rusted out.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:55 pm.
XII. Executive Session: A motion was made by Maggie LaCasse at 4:55pm properly seconded by Susan Miller to adjourn open session and reconvene in executive session for the purpose of discussing covenant violations.
No discussion, unanimous vote, motion carried.
XIII. A motion was made by Maggie LaCasse at 5:17pm properly seconded by Susan Miller to adjourn executive session and reconvene in open session. No discussion, unanimous vote, motion carried.
XIV. Old Business
i. Covenant Violation:
A motion was made by Maggie LaCasse to instruct management to issue a violation letter to owner seconded by Susan Miller. No discussion, unanimous vote, motion carried.
XV. With no other matters on the agenda a motion to adjourn was made by Maggie LaCasse at 5:20pm properly seconded by Susan Miller no discussion, unanimous vote, motion carried.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: September 9, 2024
Slow progress to report since the pre-construction meeting July 10th. Longhill Excavating (LE) provided amendments for the Alteration Permit to accommodate changes in concrete grout for the annular space between the liner and existing outfall conduit and for preparatory hydrophilic injections to preclude the liquid grout from seeping beyond the existing conduit. We are hopeful that the change away from mixing on site (by the bag) to truck mixed concrete will create savings to offset the cost of the added injections. We shall see.
Next work will be LE videoing pump out of the existing conduit to better assess integrity of the joints. This should provide a road map as to where injections are most needed.
BOARD MEETING JULY 15, 2024ATTENDANCE: Danny Switzer, Ellen Spore, Jill and Dan Whitten, Bill Lipko, Jim Akridge, Dan Boehlke, Kathy Blevins, entire board present. Melissa Sabb absent.I. Call to Order: Quorum establishedII. Minutes: ApprovedIII. Community Comments:People who do not live here are fishing in the lake. We discussed this and came to no course of action as people are hesitant to confront strangers.We also discussed the landscaping/grass cutting of the common areas. Some areas are not getting the attention that they need. We’ll discuss it with our landscape contractor.We also talked about the plant growth on the upper dam in the riprap area. This should be addressed by our lake contractor.IV. Maintenance: Ron StaplesA reported street light issue is being resolved by Dominion.V. Lake Report: Dan WhittenDan reported that the lake maintenance company has been coming as specified. Because the levels are so low, no treatments have been required. VI. ARC: Diana Skelton The Rowleys requested approval to remove two trees and install a firepit.VII. Hospitality: Ellen SporeEllen reported that we had an outstanding turnout for the July 5 event. There is also a Frenzy this coming Friday hosted by Linda Woodard and the Coffields. Summer is moving right along.VIII. Treasurer: Maggie LaCasseMaggie reports that we are within the budget and expenses are in line. With regard to the reserves, she purchased a CD for $50 thousand, earning 5.4% and maturing in June of 2025. We have $181 thousand in cash now. We are all hoping to receive the $50 thousand in grant money once the dam repairs are finished.It is time to start thinking about the next budget cycle. There are 99 homeowners paying quarterly assessments. The group had a general discussion of lots being split, and how assessments are handled.IX. Dam Report: Danny Switzer Danny reported a July 10 meeting with Blossom engineers, Longhill Excavating and ECS Geotechnical engineers. Work still not started and no timeline given by parties involved. There are two primary issues. We need to fill in underground voids with a waterproof filler around the pipe joints. This is outside the current contract and will be an additional cost. We also need an addendum to the permit. Contractors will draft the language and engineers will approve it prior to submittal to DCR for their approval. Once we get started, the work will take about two weeks. Parking will be handled. The grant agreement between us and JCC was signed by Jeff Barnes and submitted to the county attorney’s office. X. New Business: BoardA. Christmas Committee: Last year was the first time we used the committee. Maggie wants to expand it and involve more folks in the process. Ideas were discussed by the large group to get more folks interested in participating.B. Succession Planning: We need to have more neighbors involved in this community. More folks need to step up and be on the board. We had a general discussion about this, and people expressed some ideas. There are 99 families in our small community. This is one huge benefit of living here. It also means more people need to participate to keep this HOA a viable and energetic one.C. Upper Dam: The board discussed that the short, corrugated pipe running under the upper dam needs to be replaced or fixed in the near future. We need an engineer to recommend a solution. It does need to be addressed. The current Dam Committee is not going to take this on, and we are looking for someone to lead this next effort. Fortunately, it will not be nearly as complicated as the current project.D. Winery Liaison: We need someone to be our person who contacts and works with the Winery. We have ongoing issues that are not resolved including the leases for the front entrance and the nature trail. After much discussion, Jeff Barnes said he will try to get this done.XI. Old Business:The major thing we need to work on is the website. It's still a work in progress. Maggie said that she is updating the directory, and it will be ready shortly.XII. No need for an Executive Session.Next Meeting is August 12, 2024
Pre-construction meeting was held July 10th and attended by representatives for Blossom Consulting Engineers (2), Longhill Excavating (2), ECS geotechnical consultants (1), Danny and Jim. We remain unclear when work will start. The path ahead planned by the engineers driven by the DCR alteration permit. The plan is to insert a smaller plastic liner to be secured with a concrete grout to be pumped into the space between the smaller, newly inserted pipe, and the deteriorated outer pipe. The contractor pointed out their concerns that the existing outflow pipe joints are leaking. (There are old pictures of water flowing under the main pipe; underground voids are likely.) If so, and the pumped-in-grout leaks out of the bigger existing pipe, this leaking concrete would threaten to foul the sand filter to be installed underneath the main outflow pipe. All agreed it would be prudent to inject a waterproof filler material into the soil around the pipe joints at the bottom of the dam at the outset of work. This work is outside the scope of the construction contract and will come at additional cost. Since the size of underground voids cannot be determined, the amount of required injectable filler is unknown. Minimally, at least four injections will be done near the terminal end of the main. There are two primary issues. 1) Cost: Because underground voids are of unknown size, material quantity is unknown. 2) Minor amendment of the alteration permit is required. Contractors will draft the language and engineers will approve it prior to submittal to DCR for their approval. Traffic and parking: In the unlikely event of a road closure, only a few minutes of closure would be required (e.g., for un/loading of heavy equipment). Flaggers would control traffic. Trucks will be parked on one lane of the dam during work. Barring unexpected difficulties, work should take about two weeks. Also, the grant agreement between us and JCC was signed by Jeff and submitted to the county attorney’s office.
ATTENDANCE: Bill Lipko, Susan Goff, Ellen Spore, Danny Switzer, Jim Akridge, Melissa Sabb. Jeff Barnes absent.
I. Call to Order: Quorum establishedII. Minutes: ApprovedIII. Community Comments: noneIV. Dam Report: Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge
Danny reported that we hired Longhill Excavating, with Mr. Griggs as the VP of Operations for them. They had to pump out water in the pipes and get the right pipe size, then order the pipes. The price is $140,000 for the entire job. We did find out that we can be reimbursed this year once the job is completed and the county has checked off on it. The completed paperwork goes to the county attorney. The county is our partner in this work. We are not sure of the exact start date.
V. Lake Report: None
VI. Maintenance: Ron Staples
Dr. Clean power washed around the pool and the clubhouse at a cost of $1400. The mulching was completed yesterday by Capital Landing Mulch. The pool is holding on for this season; Sasa with Signature Pools is working to oversee it. Critters got into the trash can in the pool area and made a mess. Going forward we will ensure the pool trash is taken to the totes when we lock up in the evening.
VII. ARC: Diana Skelton
Nothing new except the Fines removed some Leyland cypress.
VIII. Hospitality: Ellen Spore and Susan Goff
Ellen reported that we have a Friday Frenzy this week, hosted by the Whittens and Akridge and Bivens. Maggie will send out a blast email to the community and tell them it is a ‘shrimp fest’. We still have June 28 available; Maggie will also post the dates for the community.
IX. Treasurer’s Report: Maggie LaCasse
Maggie reported that our investments are doing well; we also have the cash to pay for the dams, and if we are reimbursed by the county, we can do some of our delayed capital projects this year as well. We also received an additional $9,000 in capital contributions from 3 properties being sold.
X. New Business: None
XI. Old Business:
A. Leases from Winery: Still not completed. Melissa will contact them again as well as the attorneys.
B. Community Website: Maggie has volunteered to undertake the website, and Melissa will update the community calendar. Melissa will also include account info of people reserving the clubhouse in the description.
C. Emergency Exit: the curb cut at the North end of Jockey’s Neck Trail is complete.
D. Lot on Campbell Close: Wayne Harbin bought it and will maintain it now.
E. Dam Construction: There will be no problem with vehicles passing around construction vehicles once we start construction, date to be determined.
XII. No Need for Executive Session
Next meeting is July 15, 2024.
The board held its monthly meeting on Monday, May 13. A number of homeowners were present to hear the discussions and were especially interested in the dam project.
Speaking of the dam, Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge have spent the better part of 3 years working to certify our dam and there’s light at the end of the tunnel! As you’ve not doubt noticed, our lake was lowered. This was a required step in advance of adding the slip line to the pipe that runs beneath Jockeys Neck Trail. Danny and Jim sent out detailed RFPs and received two bids back. They will work with John Fuqua (Storm Water & Resource Protection Manager for James City County) to award the bid and secure the grant. Right now, it looks like work may begin as early as July. Once work does start, it’s a relatively quick process to complete. Since work may close JNT at the dam, we’ve added a curb cut to the emergency exit at the end of JNT.
Dan Whitten has agreed to take over managing the health of our lakes – which look healthy, albeit low! Thanks Dan!
There’s plenty of Spring maintenance happening. The pool will be ready for opening on Memorial Day weekend, which will be kicked off with the community’s first Friday Frenzie on May 24th. We’re also cleaning windows and power washing (and mowing, edging, trimming…).
Our Hospitality Committee has been busy! The second annual ‘Derby de Mayo’ was held on May 3rd and was well attended and lots of fun. They’ve also organized all the Friday Frenzies for this season.
On the finance side, Maggie LaCasse reports that income and expenses are in line with the budget. Capital reserves sit at $260k, with $219k in cash as of the end of April, so enough to pay for the dam work without any assessments.
We’re looking forward to our first Friday Frenzie on May 24th – we hope to see you there!
Our next meeting will be on Monday June 10th at 4:
ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 8, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order: Diana Skelton, our V.P., called the meeting to order. Jeff Barnes, our president, was absent. A quorum was established. We had 42 homeowners in attendance.
II. Minutes: Approved
III. Agenda:
A. Dam Report: Danny Switzer
Danny delivered a comprehensive overview of the current dam status. It was obvious that the letter the dam committee sent to the homeowners was helpful. He discussed the current lowering water level, at the rate of 4 inches every 24 hours. He reviewed the need for this and talked about the pipe/water seepage/debris from trees. Danny went on to talk about the anticipated state approval of their application, which will allow us to get the permit and send out the RFP’s. Danny discussed the grant proposal for monetary relief for our expenses. Jim Akridge also discussed the life span of the pipeline, and the earthen dam. Homeowners were unaware that dams like this do not last forever. It is important to maintain them appropriately and in a timely manner. Maggie also added that we have been saving for this work the last 2 years and it will not require an assessment. We can’t move forward with major projects until we have a firm grip on costs. We also will not get the grant until next year. Questions about traffic were answered. The fire chief and the engineers meet before work begins. We also have a curb cut finished near the road to the winery for immediate exit. Homeowners seemed to have their concerns answered.
B. Financial: Maggie LaCasse
Maggie reviewed our current status. We finished 2023 $14k better than budget. Reserves stand at $257k; our monies have been earning good interest in the various CD accounts Maggie laddered. The Capital Reserve study was completed; we are holding off on major projects until the dam is finished, and the grant of up to $50k approved. Maggie also reviewed the grant status, and how long it takes to get a grant. One homeowner asked about taxes on the HOA. Maggie discussed how we are NOT taxed; we are a non-profit. We have 86 acres of land under our control as open area. The clubhouse rental goes into our income column. Randy Sikes aired his concern about paying the quarterly assessment with a mailing to Las Vegas. Melissa Sabb reviewed the payment options; she explained that Brooks cannot accept payments at their office. We have the option of waiving the late fee if there is a problem with late arrival.
C. Hospitality: Ellen Spore
Ellen discussed the hospitality committee’s upcoming May 3 party, “Derby de Mayo”. We will receive more information later. We will also open the pool Memorial Day weekend and kick-off our Friday Frenzy festivities for the year. We hope more homeowners will host this year; parties occur 2 times per month, and you are reimbursed for the main dish.
D. Voting: Melissa Sabb and Mary Kayrouz
Homeowners had a chance to vote in person or by proxy. There were no nominations from the floor. Mary certified the ballot count. Melissa announced that both Maggie LaCasse and Diana Skelton were reelected. Yay!!!
Community Comments: Board
From the floor, Anne Bateman asked about the website. We explained that the webmaster retired, and there currently is no one running an active website. Clearly, we need to move ahead on this. Suki Pierce commented about tree debris that was taken from the intersection and dumped behind her house, over 2 years ago. Don Lashinger commented on the road conditions. Jim Akridge explained that John Fuqua looked at the roads; the storm drains were not installed properly. We need to work as a group to complain to VDOT by going to their website and making complaints. Melissa agreed that this would be a good course of action that may get results. She will send out more info to the whole community on how to do this.
Election summary: 33 ballots were received and counted. Maggie and Diana were reelected.
The meeting adjourned at 6:53.
We met with John Fuqua to discuss our grant timeline and the RFP for the upcoming project. He has used a form on other projects and is helping us by adapting it for ours.
The latest alteration permit draft has been received from BCE and forwarded to Bander Smith, Gilley Construction, and Longhill Excavating for them to begin preliminary pricing. BCE estimates the permit will go to DCR next week for their approval.
Dam Committee Letter to Homeowners
February 12, 2024
The Virginia Department of conservation and Recreation (DCR) notified Vineyards HOA in 2021 that we were among Virginia dam owners with a dam that had not been certified. Because DCR amended its regulations, Lake Ajacan dam (of the lower lake) had become subject to certification. DCR requires a qualified engineer to inspect and assess dam safety. We vetted several consulting engineers and retained the local firm Blossom Consulting and Engineering (BCE). DCR regulations required our engineers to determine the hazard class of the dam, based on potential damages in the event of dam failure. This year-long process involved a topographic survey of the dam and related watershed, an inundation study, and a dam break analysis. While DCR was telling us that the fact that we had a roadway over the dam was sufficient cause for them to conclude that our dam should be classed as posing “significant potential hazard”, we resisted. Thanks to our HOA commissioning an independent traffic count over the dam, we eventually convinced DCR that our dam should be classified as “low potential hazard”. This was a major win as we otherwise would have been obliged immediately to redesign and modify the dam to handle much greater flooding that is required for significant and high potential hazard dams.
Lake Ajacan dam was built in 1988 and is in fair condition for its age. Unfortunately, the main outfall pipe of 36” corrugated metal is in poor shape. This pipe runs from the bottom of the riser (the big concrete cylinder at the water’s edge) to the plunge pool at the downstream toe of the dam. There is settling in a section of the pipe’s soil foundation resulting in mid-belly sag. There is also a section of the pipe that has sustained some crushing making the round pipe oval. BCE and other engineers agree that the best way to rehabilitate the pipe is by using slip-line technology which installs a hard plastic pipe inside the existing pipe and fills the void between them with concrete- like grout. Additionally, there is seepage along the outside of the outflow pipe. This underground channeling or “piping” is a significant threat to dam integrity. Our engineers are requiring that we trench around the last section of pipe at the outflow end and install a sand filter to hold soil from being pulled from the dam’s interior.
Our dam, like all earthen dams, has become saturated with water due to years of lake pressure. BCE requires lowering the lake level approximately five feet before trenching to mitigate the potential for creating uncontrollable seepage. We have spoken with several engineering firms, including soils engineers who all agree with BCE’s assessment. The DCR dam safety engineers and the James City County dam staff also concur. In our resistance to the notion of lower the lake level, we found a FEMA Technical Manual that acknowledges that lake lowering is the typical procedure prior to digging into the dam.
BCE is completing an alteration permit for DCR approval. We intend to solicit bids for rehabilitation (slip-lining) of the main outfall pipe when the permit request is submitted. Lowering the lake is to happen slowly- no more than six inches in a day until reduced by about five feet. Lake level restoration could require weeks or perhaps even months but is obviously weather dependent.
While project costs are currently unknown, we learned of possible financial assistance through JCC’s Heritage Clean Water grants. These grants are capped at 50% of a project’s cost up to a maximum of $50,000. We submitted a grant application in the fall of 2023. Grant notifications are usually made in July. We hope to have the work completed by then.
The construction period will require patience and neighborly cooperation from us all. Equipment and traffic around the dam will necessitate caution and be a nuisance, but this challenge will provide protection and enhance the lifespan of the Vineyards most valuable asset. Thank you for your understanding.
The board held its monthly meeting on December 11. A small contingent of neighbors were there. At the end of this year, we are finishing up in good financial shape, with income and expenses tracking normally. We will finish on budget for 2023. Our Reserve Account is also in good shape and should finish around $230,000. New budget begins next month.
Susan Goff gave a report on the annual Christmas party, which was enjoyed by a large contingent of neighbors. The food was delightful, and our colonial singers top notch. They were back by popular demand from last year. The decorations also were just lovely; it was a great way to celebrate the season. Thanks again to the hospitality committee for all their hard work.
Speaking of hard work, a hearty “Thank You” goes out to Dane Belden, who is retiring as our webmaster. He got the website up and running several years ago and has maintained it since then. The website will be handled now by staff at Brooks Realty; all communications go through a board member, and then Melissa Sabb, at Brooks. Again, a big thanks to Dane for all his hard work!!
The very popular “Dam Guys” gave a report on the ongoing events with our dam. They have a meeting next week with the engineers and will continue to process to get us fully in compliance. Thanks to them for the hundreds of hours that they have invested in this process!!
Finally, you will be receiving some material in the next few weeks from Brooks Realty with some additional information on the Vineyards. Keep an eye out for that material in the usual flood of holiday mail.
As the year winds down to a close, we wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a bright New Year!
The board and several neighbors met Monday for the November meeting. The month has been quiet and seasonably chilly. Holidays are fast approaching, and neighbors are getting ready for all the festivities. The lake is doing as well as can be expected at this point, with the ongoing drought now impacting the entire region. We are down over 6 inches for the year; weather continues cool and largely dry, with no rain expected. Maintenance is ongoing and Ron Staples continues his work on competitive bids for major projects.
By this point, neighbors have received their invitations for the annual Christmas Party. It is the highlight of our busy year, and we hope that neighbors come and enjoy the festivities. Folks who came for the Trunk or Treat event had a great time! We expect that the holiday party will surpass last year’s fun event!
The board reviewed the Capital Reserve Study and Financial Analysis from Doug Green of DMA Reserves in Richmond. This is a five-year study of all our assets and their replacement costs. This report is interactive and helps us budget for the next five years. As expected, costs have gone up across the board on all items. You will be receiving a letter from the board’s treasurer and a copy of the 2024 budget, along with other pertinent information. The report reflects our efforts to have the appropriate amount in the Capital Reserve account, and plan accordingly every month for replacements as needed. The issue of reinforcing and maintaining our dam will have an impact on our expenditures, and we have been planning accordingly.
Speaking of dam, Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge gave us an update on the progress being made with the engineers and the state of Virginia. The hope is that the work on the slip line and outfall pipes will begin in the spring. The men have been working towards obtaining at least one Heritage Clean Water grant to help offset the costs. There are more details in Maggie’s budget letter.
Finally, the board adopted our new 2024 budget. Thank you to Maggie for all the hard work, as well as all the homeowners who volunteer their time and effort to make this place so beautiful. There are changes coming in January, as Dane steps down from his webmaster position. Thanks to him for getting us into the 21st century of technology!! We also have increased the capital contribution that new home purchasers will pay as a part of their closing costs; this brings it into line with other properties in James City County/Williamsburg. Also included in the budget letter is more clarification for reserving the clubhouse.
We hope to see all our neighbors for the Annual Christmas Party on December 7, and the year comes to its final month. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving next week, as we have much to be thankful for this year!
Dam Committee Report
November 2023 Board Meeting
Since our last meeting:
We requested Scott Blossom to prepare an alteration permit to include replacement of pipe section/root removal and the pipe rehabilitation.
Our emergency preparedness plan was approved by DCR.
Stumps were cut as near flush as possible and two large debris piles hauled away.
Mr. Griggs of Longhill Excavating reviewed the proposed pipework with Jim and Danny. Longhill will be one of our bidders. He is also going to give us a proposal for repairing a joint leak in the riser. The leak was first noted in Bander Smith’s first inspection in 2022.
It seems that autumn has finally arrived here in the Vineyards. The middle of the month saw us get some much-needed rain, and then much cooler temperatures. The trees are beginning to turn, especially the dogwoods, and sycamores. All in all, it’s a pleasant relief from the hot days of August and September. The pool is closed now, and we turn our attention to fall activities and holiday events.
The lake appears to be in good shape, despite the lower amounts of rainfall this year. Algae is under control, and treatments have slowed down now. As the leaves fall, it will accelerate the algae growth. Please remember not to blow leaves in the lake! Ron Staples reports that he is in the process of getting bids for some major projects on the horizon, including some resurfacing of the parking lot, and work on the pool. We are still waiting for the final Reserve Study to correlate with bid costs.
The dam report from Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge was extensive; we are in the process of putting up a summary on the website. They continue to work with the county as well as two engineering companies to complete the work on the dam. All of the appropriate paperwork has been filed at this point. The next step is stump removal and filling of the holes according to specs from the engineers. They have done yeoman’s work for the last two years on this project. Thanks guys!!
The board also heard from concerned neighbors about dogs who are not under control of their owners. There will be more forthcoming on this as we seek further advice from other sources. Please realize that pet owning is a huge responsibility, as well as a huge liability. You are responsible for the conduct of your pet. We want a neighborhood where everyone feels safe when they go for a walk or walk their pets.
Finally, our wonderful Hospitality Committee is putting on a Halloween party for Friday, October 27. It’s “Trunk or Treat” for the kids, with all invited to attend. Decorate your car’s trunk, get some candy, and join the fun. We will also have hot dogs and lots of fixings in the clubhouse. This party is separate from our traditional Halloween ‘Trick or Treat” night, which is Tuesday, October 31, as usual.
Have a great October, and we’ll see you at the party on October 27!!
Dam Committee Report
October 2023 Board Meeting
Background: Vineyards HOA is currently operating the dam under a conditional operating permit that expires APR 2024. Any extension must be requested at least 90 days prior to expiration. On 22MAY23 Bander/Smith (B/S) conducted its second inspection, finding the main outfall conduit to have its inner diameter reduced from 32” to 30”, likely due to crush although increased debris or asphalt coating accumulation could not be ruled out as the cause for the different measurements. B/S reiterated its finding from its 2022 inspection that the outfall conduit was in poor condition, recommending rehabilitation of the conduit before further "ovaling" of the pipe or collapse or sedimentary erosion accumulation precluded some form of cost-effective slip-lining. Otherwise, repairs would be significantly
more expensive. Hence, there is urgency for us to move forward timely with main conduit rehabilitation. Brenton Payne, DCR Regional Engineer for the Commonwealth, previously advised us to seek an alteration permit from DCR to remove stumps from the dam, including the grubbing out of roots down to 1”. Roots left in place are known to rot over time and allow channels for internal erosion in the embankment.
We met with our engineers, Blossom Consultants and Engineering (BCE), 13SEP23 to review its draft alteration permit. While Danny and Jim had considered the purpose of the permit was stump removal, BCE proposed removal of the formed end section at outfall along with the last section of conduit pipe. That is because water has been witnessed flowing at outfall from under the conduit. Reinstallation of new pipe and formed end section would be on sand and gravel that establishes a filter drain under the conduit. The scour hole under the outfall would be restored. Key stumps and roots would be excavated
and back-filled with lab-tested soils to minimize the risk of seepage.
There are two major areas of seepage (water pooling and flowing out of the soil); one on the right abutment (from perspective of looking downstream) and one on the left, and the toe remains constantly damp. BCE included some stabilization for the two seepage sites in the alteration permit, but BCE is considering deferment at our request. Danny and Jim installed a crude weir dam in the Eastern abutment to enable objective monitoring of water turbidity and rate of flow, the two indicia of interior erosion of the embankment (a significant cause of embankment failure). Currently, neither have been identified.
To reduce the hydrostatic pressure of the water in the embankment and consequently reduce the flow of seepage, lowering of the lake level in advance of the work is required. While the draft permit would allow a drawdown of up to 10’, the BCE engineers advised that no more than 5’ should be required. Lowering of the lake level is to be done by the low water valve up to 6” per day. No adverse effect on shoreline is anticipated. No timeframe is set for when the work will be done; DCR must first approve the alteration permit.
Danny and Jim pushed back hard on the idea of a lake drawdown. Long story short, there are four dam safety engineers insisting that a drawdown is required. There is language in a 2005 FEMA Technical Manual about plants on dams that states: “Dam remediation construction typically requires lowering of the normal pool elevation and/or complete drawdown of the retained reservoir.” Further, it states that it should be done as far in advance of the work as practicable. The engineers require the lake level to be drawn down for the slip-lining project as well. An open issue remains as to whether we want to combine the slip-lining into one alteration permit with stump removal. One consideration might be the ability to obtain another year of JCC grant support that is capped at $50,000 per year by conducting the work as two separate projects (and alteration permits). The counterweight would be the necessity of another lake drawdown. Meanwhile, Danny and Jim are arranging for professional trimming (surface cutting, not grinding) of certain, non-critical stumps on the downstream slope. These stumps are impediments to mowing. This work will be done without the supervision of an engineer. On 21SEP23 Danny and Jim conducted the required annual owner’s dam inspection. No significant changes were observed. Danny subsequently filled four 2” diameter holes running vertically on the upstream slope (apparently created by crayfish, and there are smaller holes too numerous to count
obviously due to crayfish activity). We continue to remove woody vegetative growth on both sides of the embankment. Danny filed the required inspection paperwork with DCR.
Dam Committee Meeting
October 2023 Board Meeting Additional Information
Background: Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) notified our HOA in 2021 that the Lake Ajacan Dam (of the big lake) had become subject to its recently revised regulations. Accordingly, we were obliged to hire engineers to inspect and assess dam safety. We ultimately persuaded DCR that our dam should be classed as Low Hazard despite having a public roadway traversing it. That was a major win as we otherwise would have been required to redesign the dam and modify it to handle much greater flooding than required of low hazard dams.
Current dam condition: The dam was built in 1988. In general, it is in fair condition 1 for its age. Unfortunately, the main outfall conduit of 36” corrugated asphalt-coated metal pipe is in poor condition 2. This round pipe is suffering from some foundation settling with mid-belly sag and corresponding “ovaling” of the pipe. Recent inspection revealed that the top-down crushing of the pipe appears to have worsened slightly since last year. Short of excavating and replacing the entire 142-foot pipe (entailing a complete drawdown of the lake), we need to rehabilitate the existing pipe using slip-lining or other technology before it crushes beyond repair. Our engineers recommend that we remove/replace the last section of the main outfall pipe that has encircling roots and possible erosion under the pipe. We are in the process of deciding whether to go forward with the entire pipe rehabilitation (e.g., slip-lining) concurrently with replacement of the last section of the main outfall pipe.
Lake drawdown: This dam repair construction requires lowering the lake level by as much as five feet over a period of several days. Our engineers assure us that this slow drawdown will not impact shoreline integrity. While a timeline for the work has yet to be established, current thinking is to have it done late winter or early spring. Once scheduled, the Board will provide advance notice to the community.
Grant funding: While Virginia offers grants for dam safety repairs, no state funding is currently offered for repairs to low hazard dams. James City County offers Heritage Clean Water grants up to $50,000 per year to help fund required dam safety upgrades, including low hazard dams. We have been working with the JCC grant administrator who has given indications that our current application is likely to be considered favorably.
1 All primary structural elements are sound, but minor to moderate defects or deterioration observed. Localized areas of moderate to advanced deterioration may be present, but do not significantly reduce the load bearing capacity of the structure. Repairs are recommended, but the priority of the recommended repairs is low.
2 Advanced deterioration or overstressing observed on widespread portions of the structure but does not significantly reduce the load bearing capacity of the structure. Repairs may need to be carried out with moderate urgency.
The VHOA board met at its usual time this past Monday for the September meeting. It still feels like summer with a continuation of the hot temperatures of August, but relief may be in sight! Our lakes are looking good considering the warm weather. We had almost 4 inches of rain on August 28, which helped to raise the lake level by about 6 inches, and flush algae out. While we are still about 4 inches below normal, the water clarity has been good, indicating that algae in the water column is under control. As we move further into autumn, and leaves start to fall, residents are reminded NOT to blow leaves into the lake. Nature does enough of that already!
Speaking of fall, Hospitality chair Ellen Spore reports that we had a really nice final Friday Frenzy at the end of August. All in all, our Friday events have been well attended and enjoyed by many residents. On the upcoming calendar, the committee is planning a “Fall Frenzy-Trunk or Treat” event on Friday, October 27. The children can do their candy forays in the parking lot of the clubhouse, and all can enjoy dinner after that. Just a reminder to everyone that this event is NOT intended to replace the traditional “Trick or Treat” in the county. Halloween falls on a Tuesday, the 31st of October, in the following week. The committee is also planning on our Christmas Party for December 7 of this year. Stay tuned for more details from the committee!
Additional topics for the board this week included the usual maintenance issues. The pool has been closed and covered for the season. Diana Skeleton reported on a short ARC list of home improvements. Maggie LaCasse discussed our financials. We plan on mailing out additional statements to all residents for the fourth quarter. While many residents are fine with email billing, this traditional paper bill has been also requested, so look for yours next week. Our reserve account is in good shape, at $220,000 and monies continue to go into that account monthly. The “Dam Guys”, Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge reported that the grant request has been filed with the county; monies will be awarded next July to assist homeowners’ associations and other dam owners in covering some of the cost of upgrading dams. We are hopeful that we will also benefit from these grants. Discussions are ongoing with different companies for slip line work and stump removal.
Finally, board discussed the issue of insurance needs for the clubhouse and other common areas. Jim Akridge will continue his work on this. The board entertained a motion and a second, to increase the capital fee, which is assessed on new buyers of existing homes, from $1,000 to $3,000. This increase will begin in 2024; the board approved it unanimously. The increase is assessed at closings of sales. All in all, we had a busy summer, and fall is coming on rapidly. Please keep an eye out for the autumn activities both here, and in the community. There is much to enjoy as the days turn cooler, and leaves begin to color.
Dam Committee Report
September 2023 Board Meeting
On 30Aug23 between 1100-1130 hours Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge met with John Fuqua on Jockey’s Neck Trail at Reserve Drive. Jim asked John to assess the frequent pavement failures and VDOT patches.
John used a tool from his county vehicle to remove manhole covers to inspect stormwater drops (curb drains). John explained the possible joints and construction techniques of the drainage system. Waterproofing can be obtained either by grouting or collars in most cases. He showed evidence of failures in multiple places. Small “sinkholes” were evident in various stages adjacent to in-curb drain box covers as well as 2” drop in one curb at a
drain. John related that “humans tend to be consistent.” That is, if a worker performs a faulty installation of a conduit joint, he tends to repeat the deficiencies in subsequent work. Underground lines are in 8’ sections. He predicted that surface defects could be spaced at 8’ intervals over the underground lines. The patchwork of pavement patches proved his point. He acknowledged that the VDOT workers sent to repair the pavement did as they were told; they repaired the potholes. The loss of pavement integrity will continue until the underlying stormwater collection system issues are resolved.
John recommended a course of action. He suggested that we submit work order tickets to the stormwater division of VDOT. If possible, we should collect all prior work order ticket numbers submitted to VDOT about pavement failures. Jim asked if submitting photos of the sinking curbs would help? Yes, John said. John will email Jim the contact info for a Mr./Ms. Lassiter who oversees VDOT Stormwater. I should then submit the package of all work order numbers and photos to Lassiter. In the past, VDOT has responded to similar approaches by either sending its own crew (rare) or hiring a vendor (e.g., Jackrete or Gilley) to repair the underground stormwater system for a permanent solution. That might involve digging or maybe injections of hydrophilic solutions.
Dam Committee Report
Tree Stump Removal
Virginia regulatory agency (DCR) regulations require removal of all trees from permitted dams to include “grubbing” out of roots down to one inch diameter. The rationale is that the roots will eventually rot and potentially create tunnels for water to flow through the dam, threatening dam failure if not timely addressed. On the other hand, removal of stumps/soil from a dam is considered a risk as it is possible to tap into water seepage that could get out of hand. Our retained engineers (Blossom Consulting and Engineers or BCE) recently onboarded an in-house geotechnical (soil) engineer. This Geotech (initials HvA) was formerly the top dam safety engineer for the state of Maryland. Of course, he brings an
associated conservative view of risk. HvA has persuaded BCE to recommend lowering the lake level three feet before commencing stump removal work. The reasoning is to lower the hydrostatic pressure of the water within the dam, decreasing the risk of major seepage issues during stump removal.
Jim and Danny have spent several hours meeting with James City County Stormwater Coordinator John Fuqua, primarily regarding the Heritage Clean Water Grant Program. Mr. Fuqua recently (30 Aug 2023) spent a morning on our dam. See Memorandum for Record (MFR). He was befuddled by the proposal to lower the lake level. He said that JCC simply cuts trees flush at ground level on its dams and leaves the roots in place. This is also the practice of the contractor we consulted about doing stump removal work.
The day that Mr. Fuqua visited the dam (1 Sep 2023), Danny and Jim hand dug a well to two feet deep in the middle of the ring of stumps roughly 25 feet east of the outflow. It remains dry to this day. There is an area of notable seepage at the Western groin. Although there is no documenting the rate of flow, that area of seepage was noted as long ago as 2001 during a county inspection. There is disagreement as to whether lake water is included in that Western groin seepage, with no way to test for it objectively per BCE. BCE cannot deny that it might be groundwater as opposed to lake water. Mr. Fuqua explored the rest of that Western knoll and found a soft spot that wept moisture where he dug his boot. He firmly believed the groin seepage was ground water and not lake water. After the meeting with Mr. Fuqua, Jim dug a one foot well uphill from the seepage. It immediately began filling with water. We took that to be groundwater as it was above the level of seeping water. Since
water generally does not run uphill; Jim and Danny believe that the wet well provides evidence that the seepage is groundwater. Hence, Danny and Jim agree with Mr. Fuqua’s firm conclusion that the seepage at the western groin is ground water and not lake water.
Bolstered by the opinions of Mr. Fuqua, the Lake Ajacan Dam Committee (Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge) considers the lake-lowering approach of BCE (and HvA) to be overly conservative and unduly expensive. The Committee prefers the approach of the County (which is administering grant funding up to $50,000). Mr. Fuqua assured Jim and Danny that DCR is overextended and that DCR is extremely unlikely to actually perform any below ground inspection of our low hazard dam. Accordingly, the Committee desires to proceed in the next week or so with shallow (generally no deeper than one foot) stump grinding work to seize the opportunity of the dry, fair weather currently prevailing. The drier the soil, the less likely to encounter seepage. The goal is to grind stumps below surface level
sufficient to permit backfilling and create a relatively level surface suitable for mowing, a key dam maintenance objective. This plan specifically does not envision grubbing roots down to one inch diameter. The plan is to retain Gilley Excavators (Edwin Gilley (EG) principal), to stump grind identified stumps. If EG has equipment to support, EG will redistribute grinding spoils in an effort to fill and level uneven land on the slope to promote mowing. Otherwise, Vineyards volunteers will be asked deal with the spoils. It is an option to have proctored soil sufficient to backfill all disturbed areas on site, preferably adjacent
to work sites if EG has equipment to support. It may be that the disturbance is sufficiently minimal that proctored soil is not required. If EG lacks equipment for compaction, Vineyards volunteers will be asked to volunteer to hand shovel backfill and to hand tamp. Vineyards will buy and apply bagged or bulk topsoil, grass seed, and pine straw mulch over disturbed areas to promote a reasonable stand of turfgrass. In the unlikely event of major seepage developing during the project, EG has heavy excavating equipment on call and available for immediate remedial application with the ability to procure proctored soil and gravel as may be required. The committee believes these actions are in the best interests of the community considering overall risks and economic costs, the main benefit being no
drawdown of the lake level.
Dam Committee Report
Memorandum for File
1. On 30Aug23 between 1000-1100 hours Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge met with John Fuqua. Primary purpose of meeting was for Danny to pass grant application docs to John. Danny had secured necessary signatures by HOA Directors. See prior MFR regarding the meeting at Mr. Fuqua’s County office on 22Aug23. Secondarily, this is the first site visit by John.
2. John assessed the flared end section (FES) of the main outfall. It is secured by a 2’ length of all-thread that can be cut off with Sawz-All. Excavator can remove the FES as well as tethering root on western tip. John did not think encircling roots needed to be removed. But the excavator could do whatever we required in terms of removing roots. (He remains confounded by DCR regs in regard to grubbing out roots to 1”. He had even consulted with the JCC BMP person who agreed with him about cutting trees flush and leaving roots in place.) John explained that the excavator can install compacted proctored soil under the FES and cover it with class 1 rip rap. Excavator can add/fan out rip rap in plunge pool. Danny noted that original design called for 15’ width of pool, pool currently
measures to about 15”. We noted deepening grass-lined gulleys on either side of main outflow that appear to be due to surface runoff erosion.
3. John reiterated that we should disperse the debris piles as they are attractive to wildlife. He has experience with neighborhoods where a handful of volunteers are active in working on dam maintenance. Eventually, these efforts die out (volunteers age up, thin out, or move on). Looking at our stumps, John said a commercial vendor would have cut them flush. He suggested that our HOA should consider including a line item of maybe $15,000/year for dam maintenance. Our goal is to preclude growth of woody plants/trees. Add maybe 15%
periodically. Commercial landscapers use commercial chippers for easy dispersal. Asked about his earlier recommendation to clear all trees to 20’ either side of the downstream channel, John opined that we are fine as-is. He liked the way the plunge pool emptied at an angle. He approved of our “concrete debris” rip rap repair to the auxiliary spillway. He noted that when the lake level reaches the top of riser it should be about 1’ below auxiliary spillway pipes.
4. We directed John’s attention to the area of orange seepage off the western toe. He believes the orange coloring is due to iron-eating bacterial action (similar to Dane Belden’s assessment) as opposed to orange clay from dam core. John completely walked the knoll on the western side of the dam. He found another wet spot in the woods. He scraped with his boot that eventually drew another slimy spot of fluid. This was confirming his theory that the knoll held ground water that was finding its way out of the slope. He also noted the fluid in the western feed channel likewise showed an oily film on top. He did not consider this oily film to be consistent with lake water seepage.
5. John offered that IF the dam was leaking (big IF), one common repair technique uses Bentonite, a granular mix (sand-like consistency) that is broadcast over the water surface over the suspected leak site. Bentonite granules settle and form a gelatinous waterproof coating that plugs cracks and seams.
6. John repeatedly asked why BCE wanted to lower the lake level. He explained that coffer dams afforded the same restriction/stoppage of flow through the main outflow conduit (as we knew from watching Bander use a tarp over the trash rake on the riser).
7. John addressed maintenance of a buffer strip around the lake and how to improve water quality, the main risk being runoff from commercial lawn services. As water temp plays a key role in aquatic plant growth, he suggested solar or electric pumps/ sprayers/ fountains up in the finger coves to lower water temps. Also, deeper water is cooler.
8. Christy of BCE had written up the cracks in JNT paralleling the three 18” auxiliary underground pipes. John said if we had concerns, the first step would be to video with CCTV. (Bander included them in his video inspection.) We asked John to inspect storm drain issues causing potholes elsewhere on JNT. See separate MFR in this regard.
The board has our regular monthly meeting Monday. You know it’s hot and humid when the pool is empty, and folks are staying in during the heat of the day! It appears that the “Dog Days of Summer” are with us for the month of August. We had a successful Fun Run here last Saturday, for charity. We also had a successful Food Drive on the 5th of August. Thanks to all of you who participated in these events; you make living here very special! We also had a well-attended Friday Frenzy this month! People do come out, even if it’s hot!!
The lakes remain stable, despite our lack of significant rainfall. We are almost 5 inches below normal now; the algae is under control, but lake stress continues. Keep your eyes open now as August and September see more activity in terms of the tropics, and the usual storms. Maintenance does not pay attention to the heat either. Ron has been busy with fence repair, clubhouse cleaning, and pool maintenance.
The board spent a great deal of time this month analyzing the recent DMA report which examines the life expectancy, and the costs, for repair, maintenance, and replacement for our common property. In the next 5 years we will be looking at parking lot repairs, dam expenses as we go ahead with our dam project, and pool resurfacing. We also discussed the exterior needs of the clubhouse, which is approaching 30 years of age. Maggie has a meeting next week to review the plan with Doug Green and make changes and suggestions. Currently we have $222,500 in our Reserve Account. The board also discussed the now obvious impact of the inflation that all of us are feeling. It has impacted all components of daily life. It is a consideration as we begin to work on next year’s budget.
The “Dam Guys”, Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge, are continuing their work. They have a meeting next week with the county administrator, Mr. Fuqua, to look at applying for a grant to help defray our costs. They have also been meeting with contractors to examine the best method to upgrade the slip line in the out-fall pipes. It is our hope that all this can be done by next year.
Finally, the board reviewed updating addresses on all our documents, bringing the county records up to date on the common areas, and analyzing the need for a certificate of insurance for all events at the clubhouse/pool. There are always some minutiae that needs attention. Enjoy the last few days of the month before school resumes at the end of August. Keep an eye out for those bright yellow buses as they begin their practice runs of the bus routes! Hard to believe, but summer is drawing to a close now.
Summer has definitely arrived, along with the heat and humidity that characterize a typical Tidewater climate. Our pool is active, especially in the early morning, and residents are utilizing our new pool storage box. We have had some really great Friday Frenzys this July. There is another one on July 21 sponsored by Jim Akridge and Susan Bivens. If you haven’t had a chance to come, stop by and enjoy the camaraderie with your fellow neighbors!
The lake is also reflecting the warmer temperatures, with the algae growth now appearing. We have another treatment scheduled this week. Dane has added more info to the website, so check it out. Last month saw a slight increase in rainfall, with 4.62 inches of rain. Every little bit helps, because we are still running below normal. You probably also noticed our fallen light pole at the entrance, and other issues with lights and water. Ron has been kept busy attending to all of this, as well as supervising a cleaning of the clubhouse, and window washing. Residents also helped trim all the bushes at the clubhouse entrance. There’s always a chance to offer your services in our community.
In other issues, Diana gave her ARC report for the month. Please remember that many of your ARC requests also require your complying with county regulations/mandates. Additionally, if you are contemplating painting elements of your home, such as doors and shutters, you must also submit an ARC request.
Our treasurer Maggie Lacasse reported on the June budget, which reflected some of the costs coming in for dam study. Our capital reserve is in good shape, with $210,000 on hand. All our investments are earning a much better rate of return, raising our overall yield to 3.6% which is an improvement over last year. Finally, we received the capital reserve study from DMA associates, which will help us study our future needs in terms of outlay of funds, for all capital improvements. We will study this report as we plan our next budget.
Danny Switzer gave a much-anticipated report on our inundation/dam break analysis. The Department of Conservation and Recreation has approved our dam as officially “low risk”. This is very helpful to us as we move ahead with the costly slip lining job, and the stump removal process. Danny and Jim are also working with John Fuqua, the county stormwater coordinator, to complete a grant request form, which could help us with reimbursement of up to 50% of the costs, up to $50,000. This work would be done in 2024.
Whew!! Even though it’s summer, and the living is easy, much is happening around our little community. Stay hydrated and enjoy the longer days; fall will be here before you can turn around.
The VHOA board met Monday in its regularly scheduled meeting. Summer is well underway now, with schools ending this week, graduations largely over, and families getting ready to go on vacation. The mild, cool spring continues with comfortable nights and pleasant days. Ron Staples made sure the pool would be open and ready for our annual Memorial Day launch; it looks very inviting! Our first Friday Frenzy got us off to a great start, with almost 60 folks attending the first one of the year. If you would like to help out, contact Ellen Spore. Also, check our website for updates to dates of next Frenzys.
Dane Belden reported on our lakes, which are much improved in appearance with the Pennywort largely gone, and levels at design heights. We are, however, now 4 inches down in rainfall for the year. At some point when the weather gets hotter, we will start to see the impact. There was no rain Monday, and none forecast until next week. Please be mindful of watering issues as summer ramps up.
Maggie Lacasse updated our budget; we are about four thousand better than budget so far at this point. Expenses are coming in at expected levels, and our CD’s have been invested at higher interest levels which helps with costs. Our first draft of the report on our Capital Reserve should come in this week. This report helps the board with ongoing replacement and maintenance of big projects, such as the clubhouse, pool, and parking lot, as well as the sports court.
Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge continue as our amazing ‘dam guys’. They conducted a required test on our emergency preparedness on Monday, May 29, at a stage 1 condition for the dams. This required him to call DCR and our engineers. The test functioned as expected. Costs are now coming in for the next stage of the project, with soil testing, removal etc. at the base of the dam. We are also looking at the slip lining work, and additional tree root removal at the main outflow pipe. We are grateful to them for the inordinate amount of time they have spent on this project.
Under new business, the board examined at length the rental agreements for the clubhouse which have been coming in. It appears that residents are using both old and new forms. Please make sure that you use the appropriate form which is on our website. This form was approved and posted last October, in 2022. Brooks Realty will no longer accept old forms. The board also discussed the Certificate of Insurance requirement which is listed on the form. Melissa Sabb will get with our insurance company, Donegal, to draft a statement on this. We also discussed changing the time of the rental to 10:00a.m. for the start of the rental, to 10:00 p.m. for closing. This gives a more standard 12 hour window for rentals.
Our next meeting is scheduled for July 10, at 4:00. Enjoy your summer and come join the neighbors at our next Friday Frenzy.
Dam Committee Report
June 2023 Board Report
1. Drill of Emergency Preparedness Plan: Danny conducted a required test of our proposed
Emergency Preparedness Plan on Monday 29 May (Memorial Day). His hypothetical called for a Stage 1 condition (severe storm system causing rising waters threatening to reach auxiliary overflow). This condition required him to call DCR and our contracted engineer, Blossom Consulting Engineers (BCE). While not required, Danny also notified the JCC Emergency Response Coordinator. An hour after these initial notifications, he terminated the drill.
Comment: Although DCR has yet to comment or act on our October 2022 submission that proposed classifying our dam as Low Hazard Potential, we opted to act in accordance with our submission. The drill highlights the logistical issues with a) maintaining eyeballs on the water level during severe weather hazards, and b) communicating from the dam site given poor cell phone coverage. Is this an issue that might leverage the County into pressuring Verizon into improving cell coverage for the community? JCC has called Verizon on the carpet for issues of poor coverage in the county in the recent past with little impact.
2. ECS Mid-Atlantic submitted a proposal to provide geotechnical services in support of stump removal. Geotech support involves laboratory testing of soil and materials during soil removal and compaction to meet required standards. The proposal estimated a cost of $2795, reflecting major savings compared to the other proposal by a non-local firm. Danny is coordinating the proposal with BCE.
3. Danny continues to coordinate with Gilley Construction for a site visit to enable its bid on stump removal.
4. Bander/Smith can do the slip-lining work and likely can remove the entangling root system of the main outflow while performing the slip-lining. We have not solicited proposals for slip-lining.
The board held its monthly meeting on Monday, May 15. Several community members were present as the new board was called into session by new President Jeff Barnes. Ken Goff is the new Vice President. Maggie will continue as our treasurer, Susan Miller as secretary and Diana Skelton as ARC chair. Kathy Blevins thanked the board for the election process going smoothly last month. We continued the meeting by listening to our residents’ concerns. Kathy discussed the fishing lines, hooks etc. that were thrown in the undergrowth on the upper dam, much to the dismay of her pooch, who sustained injury. Please do not carelessly discard trash after using the lakes. Take it home and dispose of it properly. We also heard from folks about neighbors leaving additional bags of trash by their Bay Disposal container. The company will not remove the added bags. Board will investigate if we could do seasonal large trash pick ups. Speaking of pick ups, please bag your pet’s waste when walking your dog. Ann Bateman expressed this concern. It goes without saying that your pet needs to stay off your neighbor’s property.
In regard to the lakes, Dane reported that we got an additional 2 inches of rain last month, which helped. We are still running a deficit for the year of about 2 inches. We are under a new contract with our lake contractor. The board approved additional treatments to address the algae growth. Although the lakes are at design level, the lack of rainfall enhances algae growth. Please be patient with this process, as we do not want to overtreat the lakes. In regard to maintenance, you may have also noticed that the pool is currently drained. Ron Staples reported that repairs are underway to the bottom of the pool. The deck has been cleaned, and a new picnic table placed there. The pool should be completed in time to open on Memorial Day weekend. We are planning a special Friday Frenzy for May 26; stay tuned for more details. Everyone said that the Derby Mayo party was a great success!!!
Treasurer Maggie reported that March expenses were 7 thousand better than budget. Mulching was done and the drawdown extension riser was installed. The board approved a motion to reinvest monies into a series of laddered CD’s paying higher rates. Our Capital Reserve stand at $206,000 currently. The board also reviewed how we hire companies, and the contracting process for maintenance with Melissa Sabb, at Brooks Realty. We clarified procedures for all parties, and made sure that all contractors are licensed, bonded and insured. Expenses are closely monitored. Additionally, Ron will interview a contractor for removing dead animals, and report back to the board when he has more details. There is always something interesting to attend to!
Danny Switzer showed the board and the neighbors the drawdown extension stem for the riser. We are still waiting on the proposal for the stumps on the dam. Danny also explained the process for installing a slipline in the existing overflow pipes. He also has been in touch with our stormwater manager for James City County, Jim Fuqua, on applying for grants to help defray the costs associated with the dam repair/maintenance under the Clean Water Heritage grant process. As we move forward with this, much thanks to Danny and Jim Akridge for al their hard work.
As the month moves on, watch for more info on the pool opening on May 26. We will continue with our efforts on behalf of this unique community. Enjoy the spring weather and the lovely landscape!
ANNUAL MEETING April 19,2023
I. Call to Order: John Herrin
A quorum was established. Melissa Sabb called for proxies; we also needed more ballots for people to vote. All attendees were asked to sign in on the sheets by the door. Diana also contacted folks and asked them to double check their contact information.
II. Opening Comment
John Herrin took a moment to acknowledge the loss of Joyce Herrmann, a dear friend and neighbor.
III. Brooks Realty:
Melissa Sabb was introduced and took a few moments to familiarize attendees with herself and her program. She also encouraged folks to fill out the help desk form to expedite the request or concerns they have. It speeds up the process. Do not leave messages. The address is: www.visitbrooks.com for contacting the help desk. This way you can be on her calendar in 3 days, not 3 months. She manages 15 HOA’s for Brooks.
IV. Voting: John Herrin
John began the voting process. Melissa Sabb handled the votes, assisted by Elizabeth Foxx. John called for floor nominations; John Blankenship nominated Ken Goff for one of the seats. Ken came forward and discussed how he and his wife found the Vineyards, and ultimately built a home here. He has a degree from Rutgers and an MBA from William and Mary. His background is sales and marketing; he looks forward to being on the board. Melissa next nominated Lisa Goodman, who had served on the board previously. Lisa made brief remarks, and voting commenced. Ballots were collected and Melissa and Elizabeth left to count them. Results will be announced later.
V. History: John Herrin
A. John gave a summary of the last 3 years of Covid and then Berkeley. He discussed how we signed a contract with Berkeley in December of 2021 and then in January they sold out to Dobson. While maintaining most of the old staff seemed to work for a while, in June of 2022 Evernest bought Dobson and it all fell apart. By July, many/most of the staff quit. Financials stopped and bills/contractors were not paid. We brought in our attorneys and terminated the contract based on their non -performance. Contracts were terminated by the end of September, and we moved to Brooks Realty. They were most helpful, and also loaned us money to pay our vendors while we fought to get our monies moved from them to Brooks. Finally, by the end of 2022, we had most of our money back. This new year puts us on a much better footing.
B. The lease for the front 20 acres of our land was discussed. The previous lease terminates in March of 2028. Currently the attorneys for both parties are finalizing the new lease, which extends for 20 years.
C. John discussed the lakes, and thanked Dane Belden for all his efforts, which have saved us much money. We will continue our contract with Solitude Lake Management. He made mention of the filamentatious algae and discussed the lower rainfall totals so far this year.
D. John called on Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge to discuss the current state of the big dam. Danny discussed how the state sent out letters to all dam owners, and he also expressed how the rules had changed. We had to create a plan for the maintenance of the dams, and plans for dealing with hazards. He thanked all neighbors who helped fell trees and clear brush. As to the overall costs involved, Jim explained how we just could not ignore the liability. It’s a mandatory injunction from the state. Therefore, we hired engineers to properly certify the dams. Blossom Consulting functions as our civil engineer. Reports are done and put in the data base. We did our inundation study, and we should be a low-risk dam. We still have had no response to our report submitted in October of 2022. Our next step is for geotechnical engineers to examine the soils and recommend filling tree holes. Bander Smith has inspected the outflow and the pipes, and we discussed resleeving the pipe where it narrows. Work begins next month on riser and valves. We have a conditional certificate good for 2 years. We may need a possible extension but are heading towards a regular certificate of operation. The upper lake did not fall under the state order, so no work is being done on it at this time.
VI. Hospitality Committee: Ellen Spore
Ellen gave an update on the Hospitality Committee’s work. We had a fabulous St. Patrick’s Day party in March and are now planning a May 5th party for Cinco de Mayo/Kentucky Derby. The main dishes are already planned. Just bring a side dish to share. Ellen asked folks to sign up to host a party for Friday Frenzy. The board will sponsor the party for May 26, Memorial Day weekend.
VII. Treasurer’s Report: Maggie LaCasse
Maggie went over the travails of the last year with financials, and dealing with 3 separate companies using 2 different systems. Once all bills were paid, albeit a little late, we end up about $2.8k better than budget. We have also been sending out RFP’s and renegotiating contracts. Insurance, trash, and lake expenses were reduced by about $15,000, and our pool service and lawn did not go up. We are currently in the process of updating our 5-year plan with DMA associates. We will be looking at several projects: replacing siding on the clubhouse, resurfacing of the pool, updating the clubhouse porch and resurfacing the parking area. We have not changed our dues since 2015. This new study will help us maintain fiscal stability and continue with maintenance of our facilities. We currently have $202,000 k in our Capital Reserve Account. This is slightly below our target of $215,000k. Maggie concluded by summarizing our low risk laddered cd’s in that account.
VIII. Questions: John Herrin
John called for any questions from the attendees. We had one complain about cell phone service. One person asked if the Winery was sold; it is off the market now. Concern was expressed for the turtles crossing the roads. One person complained about the chain across the entrance to the upper dam. John then thanked all the folks for all their support; he concluded that he had now done 3 terms for the board and is ready to retire.
IX. Voting: Melissa Sabb
Melissa announced the 3 winners for the 3 vacancies: Jeff Barnes, Ken Goff, Susan Miller. She thanked everyone for participating. Officers will be decided on by the board at the May meeting. On a side note, Jill Whitten has agreed to chair the sports court maintenance task force which starts immediately.
It seems that spring has finally settled in and decided to remain here in our beautiful Vineyards. Neighbors are doing spring clean-up and renovation. Diana Skelton, head of our ARC, thanks all of you who have so diligently contacted her about their projects, landscaping etc. Keep up the good work!
Many of you may have noticed that spring rains have not been as frequent. In fact, Dane’s records indicate a downward trend since last summer. So far this year we have had about 7 inches, down from 2022’s total of 11.42 at the end of March. Please be conservative in water use, as it could portend a dry summer. The board has renegotiated a lake contract with Solitude, based on 9 treatments per year, down from the original 20; overall costs saved us $7,620, a whopping 42% drop. Kudos to Dane for all his hard work monitoring our lakes. What a difference!
Speaking of lakes and thus dams, Danny and Jim continue their work on this issue. We are waiting for a report from ECS MidAtlantic on soils and stump removal. Then Gilley Construction can visit the dam and estimate what it would take to fulfill the requirements. The state bureaucracy seems overwhelmed by the sheer number of dams in Virginia that are responding to various components of their edicts. All in all, a tedious project but our gratitude goes out to Jim and Danny for handling this.
Our treasurer, Maggie Lacasse reported that as of February, we seem to be normalized in terms of getting bills paid and finances in order. Our complaint against Evernest was not abled to be handled by the state, but our attorney will continue to look at our options. We still have some paperwork that needs to be returned from their office. Overall, our finances are in good shape, with capital reserve standing at $203,000, with a net gain of $1,500 YTD. On April 19, she and Ron Staples will meet with Doug Green to begin our five-year Reserve Study.
Ellen Spore gave a report on the Hospitality Committee’s projects. We had an outstanding party for St. Patrick’s Day; it launched a whole new initiative, our first ever Cinco de Mayo/Kentucky Derby party on Friday, May 5. Stay tuned for details! They also will be at next week’s Annual Meeting, and discuss sign up for Friday Frenzy’s, which start next month! Please get with a friend/neighbor and considering sponsoring a Frenzy. You only need to come up with a main dish, and you are reimbursed for it. All the supplies are in the clubhouse, and folks bring side dishes. Dane helps spread the word, and the party is on!! Our first Friday Frenzy will be held on May 26, to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend and the opening of the pool for the season. The board will host that inaugural event, so plan to come and meet your neighbors.
Finally, next week marks our Annual Meeting, at 6:00 p.m. at the clubhouse on Wednesday, the 19. It is the first time in several years that we are back on track from the Covid disruptions and the Evernest issue. Please plan to attend! You should have received your letter from Brooks Realty with all pertinent information. We have 2 candidates for the three open positions. Even if you did not make a commitment in time to get on the ballot, you can still be nominated from the floor. This is such a small community that it really needs folks to step up and participate, so that we can continue to enjoy a very special place. We will also introduce Melissa Sabb from our new company, Brooks Realty. If you can’t be there, exercise your proxy vote that was in the packet from Brooks. Looking forward to seeing lots of folks next week!!
Here it is, 2023 and a brand-new year ahead! The board held its monthly meeting this week and had a full plate to start the new year. You will start observing tree maintenance on the property, as that big rain/windstorm wreaked havoc on some older, weaker trees. The lake is full, and rainfall recently has been above normal at times. The community closed out the year with a fabulous Christmas party hosted by our Hospitality Committee. We had over 60 neighbors in attendance, enjoying the music and wonderful buffet. Hats off to our hard-working committee! Ellen Spore reports also that they are now working on a St. Patrick’s Day party, so start looking for your “greenery” to wear.
Maggie Lacasse gave an extensive report on our budget, and our status with Evernest, the company we exited from last October. On a positive note, we do have money in our operating account now to pay all vendors, and payments are coming in for quarterly billing. Maggie and Donna will meet this week with Brooks’ bookkeepers to get our balances straight and finalize 2022. We are still waiting for Evernest to send a reliable check to cover the monies that are still owed to us. So far they have been unable to produce the funds, and our president, John Herrin will pursue our options now with our attorney, Susan Tarley. The board also filed complaints with the state concerning the operation of this company. The board is also scheduling the mandated Five-Year Review of all our maintenance, so that we are attending to the upkeep of all property.
Danny Switzer gave the board an update on our progress with state compliance of our two dams. The dam break/inundation study has been uploaded to the Dam Safety Information System as of November 2022. Lake Ajacan is designated as ‘low risk’ based on the traffic count, and other factors. Our Emergency Preparedness Plan has been completed by Blossom and will be uploaded to the DSIS. The BanderSmith company has been signed for valve operator installation and outflow pipe inspection. This will be done in April/May. Danny has also been in touch with Sara Ruch, the JCC Energency Manager, giving her information on our dams. She is the person who will be our contact should we ever have an emergency. Big thanks to Danny and Jim Akridge for their extensive efforts on our behalf.
In other business, the board set April 17 at 6:00 for our annual meeting. We will have elections at that time for the three openings on the board. Christine Payne is our chair of the nominating committee; contact her if you are interested in running for one of the positions. We continue to work on various other issues moving forward. Before you know it, the pool opening will be here, and the next summer season officially launched. If you are interested in helping out the community in any way, please contact a board member. There are many capacities in which to serve!!
Dam Committee Report
January 2023 Board Meeting
All, a few items concerning the dam for tomorrow’s meeting-
* The dam break/inundation zone study was uploaded to the Dam Safety Information System (DSIS) in mid-November with Lake Ajacan dam designated low risk. DCR hasn’t yet provided any comments.
* Our Emergency Preparedness Plan has been completed by the Blossom folks and will be uploaded to DSIS when the above-mentioned comments have been received.
* The BanderSmith proposal has been signed by John for valve operator installation and outflow pipe inspection. I requested the work be done around April/May, a year since the last inspection. The proposal amount is $8,500.
* I’ve been in contact with Sara Ruch, JCC Emergency Manager, to give a heads-up about our ongoing dam certification. She would be the main player in any emergency situation with our dam.
Amazing that we are in the last few weeks of 2022! The year has whizzed by again. Vineyard's folks did slow down somewhat in October to enjoy the Hospitality Committee’s “Trunk or Treat” on Friday, the 28th. In addition to that, sugar overload continued as well on Monday evening, the 31st. Thanks to Ellen Spore and the committee for all the hard work! Focus now turns to December’s annual Christmas party at the clubhouse. Please make sure you RSVP for that event. It promises to be a wonderful time, just like last year’s very popular evening!
The board is continuing the battle with Evernest to get our documents and funds returned. We filed a formal complaint with the Virginia Common Interest Community Board, and now await the results. Brooks Realty is now handling the monies coming in for the next quarter’s payments. The board transferred money from the Capital Reserve to pay some of the most pressing bills. Evernest has a long list of unpaid vendors, which we are attempting to address. It has been a struggle to say the least. Maggie will be sending out our budget for the next year; thankfully there is no dues increase next year due to her hard work and capable analysis.
The lakes are looking good now, with very little planktonic algae present. The upper lake is still below design level at 2 3/8 inches below design. Rainfall in October was at 5.42 inches; we are close to average for the year. November has seen more frequent rainfall, and the weather is much cooler now. Solitude has performed 7 treatments to date, compared to last year’s 11 treatments, and 16 the year before that. Thanks to Dane’s efforts, our chemical usage is down dramatically. Along with the efforts at the lake, Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge continued to work on the dam issues. The traffic count showed an average of 308 vehicles per day crossing the dam. That makes us qualify for ‘rural’ status by VDOT. The surveying work is completed, and now we turn the attention to core samples and stump removal. In the next few months, the valve operation will be worked on, and costs will come in for re-sleeving the pipe which runs under the road. All in all, a costly operation.
As the year closes out in the next few weeks, please pay attention to any news from Brooks Realty. They are aware that more mailings are needed; the good news is that they respond to our requests. Changes start in the new year with clubhouse rental, and reservation procedures. The board will take over the community calendar, with Dane’s assistance. We will also be checking on the clubhouse after events. You will also soon receive information on the budget. All in all, a very busy time. Please make the effort to RSVP to Ellen Spore about the Christmas party; we hope to see everyone there on December 8th!
The board met Monday, October 10, and was glad to see several neighbors present. We welcomed Melissa Sabb as our new representative from Brooks Realty. You will be hearing from her soon regarding the transition and our ongoing business for the community. Marilyn Riddle wanted to thank the board for the new trash company contract. She was pleased with their efforts. The new pickup date of Monday mornings seemed to go fairly smoothly. Lakes are looking good so far this fall, despite little rain. We are now down about 3 inches for the year, through September. Reminder to our residents to please not blow leaves into the lake; they make great compost. Maintenance continues as usual, with some renovations occurring at the sports court to more clearly mark the separation between the courts.
Ellen Spore was present to give an update on the “Trunk or Treat” party for Friday the 28th of October. It’s not too late to offer your car’s trunk as a ‘decorated’ candy receptacle if you so desire. Ellen also gave the group a brief review of the history of the “Trunk or Treat” which started several years ago as an effort to make “Trick or Treating” easier and safer for the little children. Few residents took kids out since it is dark here and houses are spread out; the new event has been a huge success. As a reminder, this event was never intended to replace the traditional day. Kids can now have two options for candy! Hope to see many neighbors joining in the festivities, eating hot dogs and socializing.
The board reviewed the preliminary budget for 2023. This will be mailed to you shortly. There are NO dues increases for 2023. We will be working after the new year to refine our five-year infrastructure updates which will help clarify our financial targets. We are aware of the large expenses related to the dam coming our way in the next year or two. We are still working with Brooks Realty and our lawyer to get Evernest to transfer our operating expenses so we can pay our vendors. This has not occurred yet, unfortunately.
As the board continues to work through the transition from one company to another, you will be kept apprised of several changes, including the community calendar, and clubhouse rentals. The election process continues; elections will be held in April of 2023, as stipulated in our bylaws. If you are interested in running, call Diana Skelton. We also discussed updating and changing the playground area. Contact Jeff if you would like to offer suggestions. Lastly, see all of you at the “Trunk or Treat” event on Friday, October 28!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Thanks to all the community who came to the meeting Monday and shared their ideas and concerns regarding Evernest. We appreciate all of your input as the board, and our attorney Susan Tarley, navigate our way out of this relationship. Please stay abreast of the developments, especially the status of your quarterly assessment, as we move ahead with plans to exit this contract and find a more reliable local partner for our H.O.A. Check your email for updates and call us if you have questions! In that regard, the board also voted unanimously to delay having the annual meeting and voting for replacement board members, as we had planned, for October. We need the help of a functional HOA company to deliver notices, issues proxy ballots, and maintain accurate voting. Thanks again to the community for their patience and understanding.
As we transition to a cooler October, Dane issued his lake report. You probably noticed the unyielding heat and dry conditions over our region in the last 6 weeks. Dane reports that we are about average for overall rainfall for the year, but 7 inches lower than last year. Solitude is continuing the inspection and occasional treatments as needed. Dane and Andrew toured both lakes and shorelines recently. We expected evaporation to continue at the rate of .07 inch per day; instead, we are losing ¼ inch daily. This loss of water exacerbates the algae growth since normally it would float out over the top of the outflow as designed. Now we are 5 ½ inches below design at the upper lake. Algae is trapped at this point. On a brighter front, we are down 50% in terms of number of treatments since 2019. Hopefully we get some rainfall soon.
Maggie Lacasse issued a truncated form of our financial report, since we have had no financial statements from Evernest since June. The problems with Evernest have cascaded to our vendors, who also have not been paid. There was a financial blackout from July through September, which created massive back logs. Next year’s budget is currently a work in progress, but hopefully things will be resolved. The capital reserve looks adequate at this point, and trash and insurance costs are lower for next year. Our big issue is the looming dam expenditures for repairs and adjustments to the system. We will undergo our five-year mandated review of all maintenance issues with our property next year.
Speaking of dam issues, Danny Switzer gave an update of the current status of the dam. Blossom has finished the inundation study, but Cardinal still has revisions to do on their survey of the dams. Although a catastrophic failure of the dam would not damage any existing homes, it would destroy our road over the dam, as well as the sewer and water lines which also go along the road over the big dam. Next week you will see the traffic counters across our road over the dam as we get a 3-day average of traffic on the dam. This will go in our final report, along with an emergency action plan developed by Blossom engineers. Finally, we also learned that midway through our big pipe is a flattening that needs to be addressed by running a new sleeve through the pipe. Then lastly, we’ll install an operator to allow the valve to open and close smoothly. Whew!! Thanks to Danny and Jim Akridge for all their hard work on this never-ending project.
All in all, this has been a busy month! Ellen Spore gave the board some important dates to put in your calendar. The October “Trunk or Treat” will be held at the clubhouse on Friday, October 28. Please decorate the trunk of your car and have some treats for the kids to enjoy. There will be hot dogs and all the fixings for everyone. Our annual Christmas party is scheduled for December 8, with that dynamic duo of entertainers from last year back to perform! Please contact Ellen and volunteer to help out. She will be delighted to hear from you!
The board met Monday on what felt like the hottest day of the year! Fortunately, Wednesday night saw a break in the heat from the last few hot days. Throughout the vineyards, work goes on. The swing set will get new mulch, and the kiddie pool has been repaired. There seems to be a constant saga of a supply chain and parts issues. People had a great time last Friday at the Friday Frenzy! This Saturday we will host the 5 K race here in the Vineyards. Please be aware of traffic issues!
Dane Belden reported that we received over 8 inches of rain in July, and we are now slightly ahead for the year. Wednesday night and Thursday morning also saw us receiving large amounts of rain. If you keep an accurate rain gauge, and monitor water usage, there has been no need to constantly water lawns. Danny Switzer gave the board the current situation on the dam, and the state requirements. We had a less than encouraging report from Bander-Smith indicating repairs that need to be undertaken. Additionally, the survey report is still not complete. The state of Virginia also needs to clarify their expectations for traffic over dams in the state. We will continue to keep you all updated on this project.
Under old business, the merger with Evernest is off to a rocky start. Please make sure you email Donna Scott at Dodson and get your I.D. number so you can pay your quarterly assessment by mail. The board is going to interview other management options in the next few days. The board is in the process of getting updates on all contracts and asking for RFPs for several of them for next year. The renegotiated contract with trash collections saved homeowners 16% for the year. Thanks Maggie!
Just a reminder to folks, the schools in the area will open earlier this year, well before Labor Day. Soon school busses will take practice runs through our neighborhood. Be aware of the changes that are coming in just a handful of days. Enjoy these last few days of August!
Dam Committee Report
August 2022 Board Meeting
Danny received the Bander/Smith report on its inspection inside the dam. Surprisingly, it assessed our structures to be in fair to poor condition. Specifically, the outfall pipe is stable but shows signs of overloading and typical deterioration. We should plan for slip line repair of the corrugated metal pipe in the next couple of years. If a failure were to occur, a slip line repair may become impossible, and a far more costly and disruptive repair would be needed. It found the outfall and channel to be in poor condition. There is undermining erosion and inadequate erosion protection in the channel. It recommends re-shaping of the downstream channel and additional riprap armoring placed. Of lower priority are minor repairs to the leaking riser tower joints. The riser is in fair condition. Danny is asking Bander/Smith for an estimate to place a reach rod and control handle atop the riser to
operate the low water butterfly valve. This expense can be deferred.
Cardinal Surveyors is pending updates to its original report that Blossom Consulting Engineers (BCE) found lacking in several respects. Jim is working Cardinal to complete the requirements. That is expected in the next week. Meanwhile, we are holding its ~$10,000 invoice without payment.
The State is relaxing its timeline while acknowledging our steady progress on requirements. BCE acquired VDOT traffic counts in the Vineyards. Surprisingly, it reports 700 transits monthly for only 35 houses on that side of the dam. The current standard is no more than 400 to qualify for Low-Risk hazard.
BCE is working to access more specific traffic counts for the specific stretch of road in issue. The State regulators want to upgrade the regulations to render every dam with a paved roadway into Significant hazard status, to better align with other states’ policies. Danny is hard pushing back that we are only required to meet current standards. Meanwhile, BCE is working to ascertain options to supply utilities to the 35 homes in the event of dam failure. BCE continues to work on the emergency action plan and alteration permit. The permit is required before any extensive work to remove stumps both on the dam and within 10 feet of the toe. We must hire a Geotech to monitor the stump removal, and because there is seepage on the downstream slope, pile driven steel material may be required in conjunction with French drain irrigation [Jim’s interpretation].
Hard to believe, but here we are, halfway through summer. Neighbors have been enjoying the sunshine and the usual Tidewater heat and humidity. Pool traffic is really up on those sweltering days. We hope everyone is taking time to enjoy the Friday Frenzys when they occur and getting out to meet some new neighbors. There are two new families on Campbell Close, and construction is about to begin on a new house at our entrance. Rainfall seems scattered, but we are about on average for the year. After four years of excess rain, it seems like less, but we are right on track. Thanks to all of you who followed the ARC guidelines for tree removal and other projects around your homes. The clubhouse is getting scheduled for exterior painting, and work continues around the property.
The board in their meeting Monday approved several items, including a new trash contract with Waste Connections, formerly Bay Disposal. More news coming on when this starts, and how we get Republic to pick up old containers. We have been monitoring the pool services in an effort to get some improvement. The lake company has also met with the board to get more compliance with treatments. The board approved a new clubhouse rental agreement as well. Thanks to Jim Akridge for his efforts on everyone’s behalf. Jeff Barnes spearheaded a search for a new insurance carrier, and the board approved Donegal as the low bidder. We also have a new merger, with Dodson merging with Evernest. The hope is that most all services will remain the same. There have been a great many changes in the business landscape recently.
Finally, our budget remains on track, thanks to the efforts of Maggie LaCasse. We are over the required amount for this year’s reserve account, and monitoring costs closely as we move towards the budget cycle for 2023. Danny Switzer gave a report on the dam progress, which is moving along. The surveying has been completed, and the CAD drawings have gone to the engineers. We are awaiting final reports and the inundation study to be completed. More work will be done in the winter when it’s cooler. As a last note, the board discussed the perennial problem of speeding in the neighborhood. There are some drivers who go well over the limit despite emails and pleas from concerned homeowners with pets and children. Please consider if it’s worth the extra minute or two you save getting to Lake Powell Road.
Looking ahead to the October annual homeowners’ meeting, we still need folks to step up and help us on the election committee, and we also need folks to consider serving on the board. Call any board member if you are interested. Have a good July here in Virginia!
The board held its monthly meeting Monday and reflected on the official opening of summer. The first order of business was a discussion of the weather, and the rainfall, and the state of the lakes. After 4 years of higher-than-normal rainfall, we are tapering off in terms of excess. The early heat, and lack of rain is reflected in the lakes. The upper lake is seeing significant loss, below design levels. The lower lake is at design levels. We have scheduled a meeting next month with our lake management company to address issues of concern. Also related to the lakes are the dams. Our wonderful team of Switzer and Akridge reported that the surveying is hopefully coming to a close, and they will send their final report to the engineers. The face of the big dam has been cut and looks much better. We will continue with stump grinding, mowing and some more tree removal. The final official report comes at the end of September.
The board also discussed the state of our finances with treasurer Maggie Lacasse. We have $225,000.00 in our Capital Reserve account. There is a capital reserve study coming up in 2023, but we are already noticing significant stress with our contractors as fuel costs reach their highest levels ever. Usually, any dues increase comes with our study, but our accelerated discussions of costs and impacts will begin next month. Our expenses are doing well, and we are currently ahead of budget, which is good news, and we have money on hand to complete the dam work. Thanks to Maggie for her diligence on all matters related to money!
Friday Frenzys are a welcome respite for everyone! There are still open dates if you would like to host. The dates are July 8, September 9 and 23. Let Ellen Spore or Diana Skelton know if you would like to pick up an open date! The board also approved an updated and revised rental agreement which Jim Akridge worked on. There are a few changes, but mostly it has remained the same, although we combined rental and cleaning into one, non-refundable fee. We also are reviewing insurance policies for the property, under the direction of Jeff Barnes.
Finally, the board discussed the Annual Meeting, which will now be held on October 17, 2022. Diana Skelton is in charge of the nominating committee. Let her know if you are interested in helping out or running for one of the three open seats which are up for re-election. We are also starting in depth study of the 2023 budget for next year. We welcome and need your input on any and all issues! Enjoy your summer!
The board met Monday for the monthly meeting, with several interested homeowners also in attendance. The month of May has been interesting to say the least. One minute it feels like spring, the next like winter. The lake appears to be in good shape, despite some algae growth recently. Solitude Lake Management will be here midweek to inspect and treat as needed. Recently I observed the William and Marry Keck lab here as well, checking on the lake. We are fortunate to have their input. Maintenance is a continuing project. You may have noticed a new fence has been recently installed along the sports court complex. Signature Pools will be here this week as well, to remove the pool cover and get it prepped for our Memorial Day opening.
The board is also blessed to have the financial guidance of Maggie LaCasse. Despite the depressing news coming almost daily from the stock market, we are weathering this storm in good shape. We still have the monies for the dam survey and upgrades, as well as other items on the docket. Phase two of the dam process will be completed by the end of September. The board also discussed the use of the clubhouse and the facilities. Jim Akridge is revising the rental policy to reflect additional changes at the state level on liability for the use of HOA facilities. Our attorney, Susan Tarley, also provided input. We are also revising the rental fee, and combining it with the cleaning deposit, for a one-time non-refundable rate. A new form and fee schedule will be sent out shortly. Please call Danielle at Dobson to rent the facility and pick up a key. Additionally, do not “decorate” the clubhouse earlier than your sign-up day; if you need two days, sign up for two days. Others may have scheduled since you last checked the calendar.
Our very capable “Dam Team” reported on the ongoing process. Next on the agenda is the survey and topo study to be done by Cardinal Surveyors, in order to issue an “inundation” report. This report will then be sent on to the state which will assign us a risk level. We also discussed needed stonework at the base of the big dam, as well as stump removal/grinding. This will be done after the survey and recommendations are submitted. Thanks again to Dane Belden and assistants for the tree work, which saved a large amount of money. We are grateful for their efforts! All in all, we are blessed to live here in this beautiful place! We look forward to warmer weather, and the Memorial Day cookout on Friday, May 27. See you then!!
The vineyards homeowner’s board met Monday the 11th of April for the regular meeting. Several residents also came and contributed to this meeting as well. Spring is rolling along. The lakes, with the exception of the pollen on the edges, look great. For a more detailed report, see the website. We are at about average for rainfall to this point, and everything is greening up! Basic maintenance is being done on schedule; the lighting on the railings behind the clubhouse is now repaired with a new transformer.
The financials show our accounts in good order, with the balance in the reserve account above projections. Maggie is continuing to watch the markets; our mutual funds should be able to weather what may be a recession on the horizon, given the conservative nature of our investing plan. All of the financial reports should be caught up by next month. Hopefully, all the trash issues are also resolved.
Ellen Spore gave a report from the hospitality committee. We have four dates committed for our very popular Friday Frenzys. They are: June 24, July 22, and August 5 and 26. The board will open the season by hosting on May 27, which is the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. That is also the day our pool will open for the season. Please think about hosting one of the free dates. The open slots are June 10, July 8, September 9 or 23. It’s easy to do! Just provide a main dish, for which you are reimbursed, and invite the neighbors. They will all bring dishes to share! You can do it with one or more neighbors as partners. It’s a great way to get to know folks in the community, call Ellen Spore or Diana Skelton to inquire.
Danny Switzer gave a detailed report on the dams. We now have our certificate, which came in March, and have received a two year time line to complete the project. A study was just completed on the pipes, and video was taken. Our valve opened easily, and a final report from the company is forthcoming. The committee will then move on to the surveying and mapping that is required.
By our next meeting, we will be looking at the pool opening, and the summer projects coming on strong. Remember to contact the ARC for plan submittals. Enjoy the spring weather while it’s here; soon a Virginia summer will be upon us!
Dam Committee Report
April 2022 Board Meeting
- Jim and I requested quotes from several surveying companies. Today I got a quote for $15k from a local outfit. We may have to talk with BCE about trying to reduce the scope of work.
-We received the official conditional certificate from DCR via email on March 31. The 2 year clock started then for us to obtain a regular Operation and Maintenance Certificate. There is a timeline for a list of interim items to be completed during the 2 years, many of which are due by 30 September 2022.
- BanderSmith we’re here Friday 8 April. They inspected the main outflow pipe and the emergency spillway pipe. There were a few issues with each, but they didn’t feel these issues were major. The butterfly valve in the bottom of the riser operated very easily. It was cracked open enough to get a strong stream, then closed. A report from them will follow.
Spring is gradually working her way into Virginia, with pear trees and forsythia setting the pace, once we got through the ‘snow’ event a few days ago!! We had our monthly board meeting Monday, with several neighbors present. Dane Belden gave a complete report on the current state of the lake, which continues to do well. We have had no treatments from Solitude so far this year, although there is some pennywort growing on the margins. Lakes will stabilize at their design level over the next few weeks. Dane gave attendees an analysis of the role and function of earthen dams and described the seepage which occurs at the base of these types of dams. Our dams are functioning normally, which we anticipate will continue as long as we keep them at their design levels. The three-year contract with our lake management company, Solitude, will be renewed in August. We are anticipating fewer treatments going forward. All in all, it is a positive report on the lakes and the dams, which are currently undergoing analysis led by Danny Switzer, and Jim Akridge. Their report spoke to the contract with Bander Smith being completed, and the video filming of the pipes and the valve at the bottom being conducted when the lake levels drop some more. The valve at the bottom of the pipe needs to function properly, with a drive shaft, lock and turn wheel. All of this will be revealed after the inspection is complete. Our volunteer tree trimming force has the face of the dam looking good. We are well on our way to fulfilling all the requirements for the dam certification.
As spring home improvements continue apace, please remember to contact Diana Skeleton who leads our ARC, and fill out the appropriate paperwork, which can be found on our website. You may have noticed our new sign at the entrance, and the updated and improved lighting for the entrance, and key areas of the property. It’s really been a big improvement. Our treasurer, Maggie Lacasse, gave her report; we are doing well so far, and are ahead in our contribution to the Reserve Account. Even though our investments have dropped slightly with the erratic economy, we are still doing well with our expenses. Work done by resident volunteers has made a huge positive impact in keeping costs down. In August we will pick a new trash company; RFP’s will go out prior to this, in hopes of obtaining a better contract for all our residents. As costs continue to rise as inflation is high, we are doing our best to watch costs for all of us. The board delayed doing a front porch for the clubhouse at this time. Lastly, several residents expressed concerns, as did the board, at the VDOT survey for changes to our main intersection for Rt. 199. All four options will have huge impacts on our traffic patterns. If you haven’t filled out the survey, please do so. It closes down on March 18th; make your concerns known. Next month we will discuss the opening of the pool for the Memorial Day weekend, and the resumption of our popular Friday Frenzys for the summer months. Enjoy the nicer weather and the spring color!
The Vineyards HOA board met on Monday afternoon and were happy to have several residents join us on a rainy afternoon. We had a wide-ranging meeting covering quite a few items. The lakes are doing well. In January alone, we had 5.3 inches of rain. No treatments were scheduled for January, consistent with the last 3 years. You may have noticed also that tree trimming, and brush clearing has been occurring along the faces of the dams. Volunteers have been working together to coordinate maintenance with the dam committee, who has been working very hard to bring our dams into compliance with the state guidelines. Our inspection was entered into the data base, and we have received a two-year conditional certification. Work will proceed to make sure the release valve is in working order, and a CCTV inspection is accomplished. Additionally, more rip rap will be added. When spring begins, mowing will also expand along the face of the dams.
The board also discussed updating the lighting around the gazebo and at the front entrance. In addition to that, we will repaint and relocate the signage to make it more visible. Fence line works continues, and a new fence will replace the fallen section at the sports courts. Financially, we finished the year 2021 five thousand better than budget, and with the reserve account standing at $220,000 which is well ahead of the required year end balance. Jeff Barnes has been doing a review of our insurance policy, and John Herrin has been working on updating the lease we have with the Winery for the use of the front entrance. More will come on these items next month.
Before you know it, spring will be here, and hopefully a little bit of warmer weather. Many of you will undertake major projects. Be sure to contact Diana Skeleton and fill out an ARC application before starting anything big. Clubhouse usage will increase as well, and it won’t be long before we’ll start talking about the pool opening. Please check with Berkeley if you are interested in renting the clubhouse. The lease has been updated to reflect an overall capacity of 70 people, including outside areas as well. Finally, our trash contract ends in August, and we will do an RFP to look for the best value for all homeowners. Our next meeting will be March 14. We hope that all of you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!!
Dam Committee Report
February 2022 Board Meeting
Here’s a short dam report:
- Lots of tree removal. I’ll ask BCE if it’s sufficient.
- Brush cleared on upstream side of dam, thanks Ron
- BCE entered our inspection and the 2-year conditional certificate of operation application into the state dam safety information system
- Certificate application was approved
I’ll talk about some things we need to do going forward at the meeting.
The board held its monthly meeting on Monday, December 10, 2022, and got the new year off to a solid, if chilly, start. The first order of business was a discussion of faulty/ nonfunctioning streetlights. If you have one of these near your home, check out the pole and see if it has a number tag attached to it. Get that number before calling Ron Staples about the light. Some folks around the lake have noticed the winter waterfowl in our area. Dane also made note of this in his lake report summary for the year. The lakes were inspected by him and our new representative Reese on Monday. They are in excellent condition, with the fewest number of treatments in the last few years. Dane believes they have stabilized for the most part. End of the year rainfall had us at about 5 inches above normal, despite the dry autumn weather, which has given way to much colder, wetter weather.
Ellen Spore gave an enthusiastic report from the hospitality committee on the excellent turnout for the annual Christmas party. The crowd had a great time, and thoroughly enjoyed the addition of the colonial music duo. She plans to try and book them for next year as well. If you missed this year’s party, make plans for next year. The committee is always open for new members to help out. Call Ellen if you would like to join the party!
Maintenance picks up in January, with the tree clean up starting in the near future. More dam work will continue, and brush and tree removal is part of this process as well. We are in good shape as we move ahead with the certification of our dams, and grant applications going in to help defray the costs. Thanks to Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge for spearheading this endeavor. Speaking of money, treasurer Maggie Lacasse gave a summary of our finances at this point. We have $223,000 in the Reserve Account, and our income is $9,000 better than budget; expenses are $15,000 better than projections. We will a final report ready by the end of the month.
Finally, the board discussed some calendar changes for the new year. We are moving the annual meeting to October of 2022, which will align it with our last meeting in 2021. There will be 3 openings for the board. Please contact Jeff Barnes if you are interested in running for this new board. Lastly, the February meeting is now going to be held on Monday, February 7, 2022. This will prevent a conflict with the next 2 Mondays, which are Valentine’s Day, and President’s Day. Enjoy the colder weather, as it appears winter has finally arrived. There is possible snow forecast for the weekend, so be prepared! If you are new to the Vineyards, our roads are rarely, and, sometimes never, plowed, so don’t be shocked! Take care and enjoy yourselves!
The Homeowner’s Board held its annual meeting on Monday, November 8 at 6:30. We had a great turnout of more than 35 families in attendance for this oft delayed event. Despite the onslaught of Covid, and the closing of facilities for a time, we have made great progress here in our community. Board secretary Susan Miller reviewed some of the accomplishments over the last two years. The clubhouse has been totally renovated, due to the flooding event of May 2019. The pool has been refinished and updated with new fence and lighting, as well as storage. The aged deck was demolished and replaced with a more durable all weather composite material, new rails and lights, as well as footings and underpinnings. This past spring saw the installation of the all-purpose sports court, with tennis on one side and pickleball, basketball, tether ball and hopscotch on the other. We have had a great response from the community in terms of usage. All of this was accomplished, along with the usual routine maintenance, despite Covid interruptions.
Our treasurer, Maggie Lacasse, gave a report on our finances, which continue to be on track this year, with no increase in annual dues. We will see some increases in expenditures due to the dam inspections, but our capital reserve is fully funded. This year we will do an updated study of our assets and review the replacements/renovations dictated by the algorithm. This helps us assess our capital expenditures and focus on the future. All in all, we are in good shape with major projects completed in the previous months.
Dane Belden, our lake steward, gave a summary of the lake’s progress in the last four years. Chemical usage is way down, due to the change in policy of drawing water from the lake. Dane posts monthly reports on the website, and works closely with the lake management company, Solitude, to make sure that the lake is maintained properly. His excellent photographs illustrate the lake’s various stages throughout the seasons. Any questions on the lake should be addressed to our knowledgeable steward, Dane.
Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge have stepped forward to become our dam stewards, addressing the new state regulations for all dams in Virginia. With board approval, they have interviewed engineering companies, and we have hired Blossom Engineers to handle this multi year process. We have had an engineer inspect the dams, and we are filing the necessary paperwork to give us a two-year conditional certificate. This will be followed by more studies, and a risk level assessment of the two dams in terms of the level of risk for failure. A low risk assessment means the dams are inspected yearly, and by engineers every six years. These reports are filed on a database for the state. Danny assured the residents that there is no problem with either dam, but we are following state mandates.
The homeowners board met Monday for the monthly meeting, with several neighbors in attendance. There was an informative discussion about the trash program and its new configuration for the second quarter of next year. More information will be forthcoming at the general meeting in November. Dane reported on the overall excellent condition of the lakes. Despite the lower rainfall for the last two months, we remain ahead of average. Chemical use has decreased dramatically over the last two years. It is evident that not drawing water from the lakes has had a positive effect on lake health. Please take time to read the lake report posted monthly.
The Dam Committee, Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge, reported on the progress of dam certification. Phase one is almost complete, except for the CCTV work remaining to be done when the team is available. Mowing is being done now but needs to continue on the face of the big dam. This project will continue over the course of the next few years. The usual maintenance continues as well. This included clean up and repainting of part of the deck due to graffiti being sprayed on it. There was also a report of vandalism on one homeowner’s shed. Be vigilant with your property, and your neighbors, and report any suspicious activity. Our treasurer Maggie reported on the accounts, which are in good shape. We continue to be ahead of projections for the budget and are ahead of the requirements for the Reserve account. You should have received a letter about the budget for 2022, and we are grateful to Maggie’s financial skills for keeping costs down; there is no increase in quarterly dues for the new year.
The board will continue to examine insurance costs; Jeff Barnes is heading up that investigation. The board has scheduled another workday on Monday the 25th of October to finish planning for the Annual Meeting on November 8. More information will be forthcoming. We have not had an annual meeting in about a year and one half due to COVID restrictions. So, all in all, the work continues, and we look forward with all of you for the holidays. Don’t forget the ‘Trunk or Treat’ event on Friday, October 29. Contact Ellen Spore if you are interested in helping out!
The board met on Monday, August 9 for the regular meeting. Summer is indeed upon us, and many homeowners are on vacation. We did have a nicely attended Friday Frenzy last week, and we have several more planned through September. The pool is enjoying much use, as are the new sports courts. The lakes are looking terrific as well!
We had really good input from our neighbor Kathy Blevins about the continued speeding which goes on in our neighborhood; she offered several solid ideas, which the board plans to pursue. One is the ideas is the use of solar powered flashing speed indicators; another involves more speed limit signs which are posted on the opposite side of the street, to be seen as you exit the property. Again folks, we have many new families here now, and many wonderful kids enjoying the summer weather. Please stay at 25 or below as you drive through the streets.
Maintenance continues, as it always does, on various parts of the property. Fences are continually repaired, and pool inspections are done regularly. We are looking at the pool closing in mid-September. Ron Staples has worked with the pool company, and we will post a definite date when we have one. Our pool company oversees more than 200 pools, so it takes time. We also are investigating refurbishing the front entrance to the clubhouse, which is showing its age. We also discussed the tree work which will begin in January.
Our treasurer, Maggie LaCasse, reports that the budget is doing well, better than projected; both our income and our expenses are better than originally forecast. We are also ahead in the revised reserve deposit for the year. Finally, it looks as if we will have the funds available to pay for Phase One of the dam certification process. Speaking of the dam, Jim Akridge reported on the progress being made there. He has requested a legal review of the firms’ liability clauses in their contract as we proceed here. Jim and Danny Spitzer have also analyzed and photographed the face of the large dam on the river side of the road. It appears that it will need much mowing and clearing of undergrowth before the engineer can do an appropriate assessment. This clearing will allow us to better ascertain steps going forward in the dam process.
Finally, just a friendly reminder that this Saturday, August 14, is the annual CDR Road Race. They will begin setting up at the clubhouse on Friday. They plan for an early race Saturday morning and should be gone before noon. Just remember to plan accordingly, since roads will not be accessible for a few hours that morning. This race is very important to the community at large, and we are proud to sponsor them.
In conclusion, the board will meet September 13. We have decided to push the Annual Meeting to October to give Jeff Barnes a few more days to canvas for folks interested in running for the two open positions. Please let Jeff know if you are interested. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer, and the pool. Schools reopen this year before Labor Day, so time is growing short.
The board held its regular monthly meeting for July. John Herrin has stepped up to be the president of our board, with the departure of Randy Steck. We are happy to announce that Jeff Barnes will be joining the board as our newest member, and vice president. We began the meeting with the lake report for July. Our lakes continue to look really good, considering the heat. There will be some growth in planktonic algae as the summer continues, but it will be addressed as needed. The full report is on our website. Maintenance continues as needed, and everything is in good repair. We are adding some new tables and benches for the deck. Friday Frenzys continue apace, with the next one coming up this Friday. Attendance has been great! If you haven’t been yet, please come join in the fun.
Our treasurer, Maggie Lacasse reported that all of our accounts are on track and doing well, and that we will be able to fully fund our reserve account this year. Expenses are better than budget so far, and we will have enough to cover the expenses incurred with the dam inspections. Speaking of the dams, a big thank you to Jim Akridge and Danny Switzer for taking this big project on. At this time, it appears that we will be hiring an engineering firm, Blossom, Inc. to do the inspections and file the required paperwork needed to certify the dams in the initial phase of the project. Phase two is the risk analysis phase, which dictates the frequency of inspections and repairs, if needed. We are grateful for the help of these men in interviewing the firms, and starting the paperwork needed. We will also be doing a review of the insurance policy, and if needed there, a change/update of that as well.
If you read your emails from the website administrator, we also discussed the continued problems with speeding in the Vineyards. We have no sidewalks, and people walk and run along the road. There are blind curves, and many intersections. Please observe the limit! It would be tragic to cause an accident! We also addressed dog owners who allow their pets on to homeowners’ property. Please do not do this. Walk them in other areas; we have about 80 acres of open natural spaces. Do pick up after them; do not leave the ‘bags’ for others.
Our annual meeting is now scheduled for September 20th, at 6:30. Jeff Barnes is chairing the committee and will ask for help from 2 other homeowners. Contact him if you are interested in running for one of the two open slots. Terms are two years in length. If you are interested in any area of service, please let us know. Our hospitality committee is always glad to welcome new members. Their next meeting is August 19th; contact Ellen Spore if you’d like to come to this. Thanks to all the folks who contacted ARC, chaired by Diana Skelton. You may have noticed many home improvement projects going on around the neighborhood as you drive by.
Finally, as we approach August, please put August 14, a Saturday, on your calendar. The famous “Heroes Run” will be held that day. It does make getting in and out problematic for a few hours, but more info will be available. This will be their close to 20th anniversary. It’s a great resource here in our community for our children! Some changes will also be coming next year in our trash program; more information will be detailed at the annual meeting in September. Enjoy the remaining weeks of summer and be aware that schools in James City County will open for the first time before Labor Day. Buses will be running in our neighborhood in August.
The homeowners board met on June 14 for the monthly get together. We had several neighbors there as well to provide feedback and insight. Diana Skelton reported an excellent turnout for the first “Friday Frenzy” of the year. About 65 people attended, and all of our upcoming dates are now being hosted! Great news for all our families. The facilities are up and running. We also have a second pickleball class being held. We hope all of the new families will join us at the next Friday event and take advantage of all the amenities here at the Vineyards.
The May Lake report is posted on the website. We had very little rain in May, and the warmer temperatures saw an increase in algae. We had our first treatment in over 6 months, and within two weeks there was a noticeable improvement in water quality. It’s great to know that we are using far fewer chemicals than in the past. Thanks again to our lake monitor, Dane Belden!
We are now halfway through the year, and our fiscal report shows us in good standing. Our income is up due to the capital contributions from new home sales. Our capital reserves are $197,000.00 and we are able to absorb some of the increases coming our way with the Dam Study. Maggie LaCasse is currently updating the reserve study to help us plan for future expenses.
Speaking of the dams, and the dam study, a big thank you goes out to Danny Switzer and Jim Akridge for stepping up and undertaking this task of certifying the dams. Due to recent changes in state mandates, we must have a formal certification done. This certification comes in two phases. We have already filed material at the state level, following their guidelines. Our “Dam Stewards” are interviewing two engineering firms and deciding on our course of action for Phase One, which is an inspection being done by a certified engineer. This will give us a two year certification, and allow us to proceed with Phase Two, which is the risk factor analysis on potential implications from a possible dam failure. This will allow the state to assign us a risk level, and us to proceed with any improvements or recommendations from the state. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
Finally, on a somewhat sad note, we say goodbye to our association president, Randy Steck. He has done yeoman’s work for years here in the Vineyards, and we will miss him. Our vice president, John Herrin, will assume the presidency, a post he has held before. One of our residents, Jeff Barnes, will step up to fill this current vacancy. Thanks for all the work and sacrifice on behalf of this small community! In order to give everyone a chance to acclimate to these new positions, the board approved moving the next meeting to the fall of the year.
The Vineyards board held its regular meeting Monday, and several neighbors were there to pitch in. By now you’ve seen the announcement about pickleball instruction, and its big sellout. Hopefully we can schedule another free clinic. Kudos to Kathy Blevins and Margaret Connolly for spearheading the movement. The new sports courts look amazing, with just a few touches left to go. The ADA compatible walkway will be going in soon as well. Kids and adults are all enjoying the new facility!
The lakes look beautiful now, and so far, have not had any treatment. We are appreciably lower in terms of treatments needed. As the weather gets warmer, one will probably be necessary. Be sure and read the full report. Speaking of warmer weather, we are anticipating a full reopening of the pool for Memorial Day weekend, complete with our first Friday Frenzy, hosted by the board. We will have dogs and burgers and ask residents to bring a side dish to share. Drinks are provided! More news forthcoming!
The Hospitality Committee met recently and began the planning necessary to have a successful season. They are actively seeking new members to join this committee, which does so much to make life at the Vineyards happen! Please contact Kathy Blevins or Ellen Spore. If you are a new resident, you are encouraged to come and join; it’s a great way to meet the old and new neighbors. So far, the group has planned the following dates for Friday Frenzys: May 28, June 18, July 9, July 23, August 6, August 27, September 10, and September 24. Each Friday is sponsored by one or two families, who provide the main dish, while other neighbors pitch in with side dishes. The sponsoring neighbor is reimbursed for the main dish that they choose. It’s a wonderful way to relax after work, watch the kids play in the pool, and catch up on the last year and a half. Diana Skeleton will also have a sign-up sheet for open slots at the May cookout on the 28th. In addition to the summer activities, the group is planning a fall “Halloween Trunk or Treat” on Friday, October 29. Neighbors Park their car, and open the trunk, which has candy in it to hand out, as well as other treats. The last time we did this, it was amazing to see the fall decorations on the cars and the neighbors! Lastly, we plan a large family Christmas party in December. Again, we are a busy, involved community!
A final date to put in your calendar is August 14 from dawn to noon. We will be hosting the CDR charity road race for “Superheroes”. They will set up on Friday the 13th to prepare the course. If you are new to our area, the CDR stands for Child Development Resources. Check out their website and read about the amazing work they do for our community!
On a last note, please take your time entering and leaving the neighborhood! The speed limit is 25 m.p.h. or lower! We have many new families, lots of kids out and about now, walkers and joggers and pets galore. It is not worth the one or two minutes you might gain by going faster, and possibly hitting a resident. Thanks for keeping this special place safe and serene!
The board held its monthly meeting this past Monday, April 12, at 4:00 in the clubhouse. It was great to see so many neighbors there to provide insights and opinions! Again, all board meetings are open to all and we welcome your input. The tennis courts have a completion date now of May 1, and we are all looking forward to seeing the new product. Tree removal around the court is finished now, and stumps will be ground, we hope to move one picnic table in this area for families to enjoy as well. Ron Staples is getting bids for an access walkway to the courts. The board has contacted the pool company, and we are looking forward to having this open on the Memorial Day weekend. Speaking of the weekend, we are also anticipating the return of Friday Frenzys. The board will host the first one that Friday. All are invited; bring a dish to share with folks. Board will provide burgers and hotdogs. It’s been a long year plus, and we are gradually resuming our normal lives.
Please take time to read the full lake report on the website. Dane has been closely monitoring them, and they are doing well, despite the pollen. Rainfall continues above normal. We have also been in close contact with the state dam regulator, Mr. Kilgore. Our dams were built in 1988-89, and there are no “as built” plans from that time period. We are also working with the original engineers to see what we can do to comply with new regulations approved in 2016.The dam supervisor approved our ongoing efforts to keep dam faces clear, control rodents, and send cameras down the tubes to check the drain capacity. This is ongoing now. More information will be forthcoming as we move ahead on this.
Maggie LaCasse discussed our financial picture, which continues to be fine at this point. Money was reserved to complete the tennis courts, and other expenses have been within budget. We expect to have costs associated with the dams, but at this point, there is no news. We also had a good discussion with neighbors about ways to save money going forward this year. If you have any ideas or would like to pitch in to do some small chores, let Randy Steck know. Maggie also welcomes any ideas on saving money this year. Finally, we discussed having our annual meeting late summer/early fall. We have two openings for the board. If you are interested in serving, please contact a board member. The next meeting is May 10, at 4:00, and all are welcome!
The Vineyards held their monthly meeting Monday, March 8 at 4:00 at the clubhouse. Several neighbors were in attendance; just a reminder, all are welcome to every meeting! The board discussed the newly opened hole on Jockey’s Neck Trail. The Virginia Department of Transportation was notified of this ever-growing hole. Drivers, please be aware of this and swing wide around it, as the hole is deep. Continuing, the board discussed the Lake Report, which is now on the website. Please take the time to read it, as it is very informative. Our lakes are doing well, with much observed fish and wildlife activity. Our dams are below the height where we would need additional state inspections, but they are inspected every two years. The large numbers of inches recorded for January and February indicate that our rainy pattern is continuing heading into later March. Please think about your own yard and landscape needs before setting a sprinkler system this spring.
Thanks to everyone who participated in our tennis court redo survey recently. The combination of green and blue won, and we are on our way to prep work starting on the courts. A deposit was made, and contract signed. Our treasurer, Maggie LaCasse, observed that the accounts are doing well right now. We have the courts in our budget of major renovation work, and recently made a $9,400.00 contribution to the Reserve Account. Things are proceeding this spring. We’d like to also welcome all the new homeowners who have moved to the Vineyards in the last two months. Hopefully we will be able to host a get together soon, pending on the state guidelines! Again, check out the newly designed website; thanks go out to Dane Belden for all his hard work on our behalf!
The board held its usual monthly meeting at the clubhouse this past Monday. Several residents attended and gave input on various topics. If you are new to the Vineyards, our meetings are always open to all, and are held on the second Monday of each month, at 4:00 p.m.
The board and attendees listened to a presentation by Terry Hughes of Sports Court. We are continuing on our project for the spring, which is resurfacing the tennis courts. Terry illustrated a new product (new to most of us), which is comprised of interlocking tiles of a composite material. It is laid on existing asphalt courts, once the courts are prepped and leveled. It is guaranteed for fifteen years. This product will enable us to redo the one tennis court as a tennis court, and the second court as a multi-purpose court, with two pickle ball courts, and an area for multipurpose uses, including basketball, hopscotch, and tether ball. This broadens the use of these courts to whole families. On Wednesday Randy Steck visited several existing courts in Richmond to see how older courts have held up. He was pleased to see that they still look great, even the oldest one in use at the Country Club of Virginia. We hope to proceed with this project in the next two months.
Our lakes continue to look good, even though they were lowered to the design levels. Dams, which are inspected every two years, were recently measured to make sure they fell in the correct guidelines. Our heavy rains have continued throughout January and now February. We recommend that all homeowners use a rain gauge and check it weekly. If you set your sprinklers to manual, then you can limit water usage in rainy times such as these.
Ron Staples has continued with tree and brush work, as well as fence repairs. He has also been in contact with VDOT engineers concerning the roads and sewer entries. They will put us on a ‘list’ for future attention. Calls and emails to local elected officials also might help!
On the money front, Maggie LaCasse reports that we are above state requirements for the Capital Reserve account. Expenses are in line, and we are $5,000 better than expected for the operating budget. She will provide more financial data as we move forward with the tennis court renovation. Additionally, Amerika Davis, a local realtor and longtime Vineyard resident, attended the meeting and discussed recent home sales in our community. All eight properties have sold that were listed currently. She discussed trends in the past year for larger homes, more outdoor space, and community amenities. Amerika thought our renovation of the pool, clubhouse and tennis courts will have a positive impact on home values in the Vineyards. Nice to hear!!
Just a reminder to all dog owners who walk their pets here! Please pick up their poop, and don’t let them select your neighbors’ yards as their favorite spot! Our next meeting is March 8, the second Monday, at 4:00. Again, all are welcome to attend!
The Vineyards board had their regular monthly meeting on Monday, January 11. We are heading into a new year, but still dealing with some of the same problems. The regular maintenance continues apace. A new motor was installed in the HVAC recently, and fence work continues. We are looking towards spring now, and the sprinkler system is operational. All lights at the front entrance were also repaired. Even though it is seasonably cold, rainfall has not abated; we finished 2020 almost 30 inches above normal average total. Several residents had commented about the standing water in the field recently. We are at our seasonable high-water table now; that and the heavy rainfall cause the underground springs to flow across the field, and empty out on Jockey’s Neck trail. As the weather warms up, this should abate. The lake is full, and wildlife is actively foraging for food. Keep your bird feeders filled!
In other news, we will continue anew to focus on the repair/replacement of the tennis court area. Since it was postponed, we must begin again reviewing vendors. The board hopes to get your input as well, once the vendors have made concrete proposals. Additionally, we reviewed the possibility of an annual meeting. Unfortunately, due to the Covid levels, and the slow roll out of vaccines for the general population, we will have to push the annual meeting to the summer or early fall. We are still looking for interested residents to run for the board, so feel free to contact any board member if you are interested in serving. We will be seeing many new residents moving into the Vineyards, since several homes have gone under contract recently. Please give them a warm welcome to our community! Spring is on the way now, and days are lengthening. Our next meeting is February 8, at 4:00 p.m. It’s open to all, and we’d love to see you there!
The Vineyards Homeowners’ Board held its regular monthly meeting for November. We had several of our neighbors attend and offer insight. Under “Community Comments” we had a discussion about the streetlights, some of which malfunction. They are owned by Dominion Power, and have a number coded on them. Call Ron Staples for more clarification on this issue. We also discussed the hunting going on at the Winery. This is done on agricultural land to control the deer population and is directed by experienced hunters. Please do not hunt on the Winery property or use the trail until January. The board heard an informational discussion by a new resident, Dan Bohlke, who is a licensed pilot, and a “search and rescue” pilot for this area of the state. He has an approved route out of his property over the Winery to the James River, especially needed when time is of the essence. He has been called on to search for lost children as well as Alzheimer’s patients, in addition to river rescues. If you are new to the Vineyards, take time to go over to the Jamestown Airport; it has been there for quite a long time, and has a great little restaurant, “Charlie’s”, on the property.
In ‘Lake News’ with Dane Belden, rainfall this year is over 20” more than our usual average, with more predicted. We are monitoring the planktonic algae which grow at this time of year. In the mornings it can be unsightly and odiferous, but it retreats into the water column by mid-day. Autumn leaves are falling now and filling the lake which provide nutrients for the planktonic algae. Please do not blow leaves into the lake or the street, as it drains into the lake/retention ponds. Maggie’s treasurer report was positive this month, and we are ahead of the required amount for the Capital Reserve Account. Hopefully everyone looked at the budget that was included in the letter to the homeowners last week. Quarterly assessments will not increase next year.
The Architectural Review Committee handled several tree removal requests. Again, to all homeowners, since so much of this land is under RPA guidance, please fill out the ARC forms and also contact James City County for their approval. It will save time and money in the long run for you! Additionally, Dane reported on our website, which will be undergoing revision in the coming weeks, as Google has changed its format for free sites. As most of you know, the Winery next door is for sale. In an effort to stay ahead of a potential sale, the board is making sure all of our property lines and common areas are clearly evidenced in surveys and records. That’s the news for November. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
The board held its monthly meeting on October 12, at 4:00. We were glad to see several homeowners in attendance. All are welcome to attend monthly meetings, and we encourage your feedback! The board discussed various issues with those present. Some residents may have noticed the Game and Inland Fisheries warden in the neighborhood. He is checking for fishing licenses. Again, if you have a guest fishing, you need to accompany them. We also reviewed the rise and fall of the lakes with another resident. The amount of rain in the last 2 ½ months had been astronomical; August and September set records. We are over 20 inches above our normal rainfall annual amount. There is no need for a sprinkler system! Some of you may have noticed tree cutting near the dam, a necessary chore. More will be done to make sure the face of the dam is clean.
In terms of the treasurer’s report, finances are still in good shape, despite the Covid market downturn. Expenses are better than budgeted, and we will be able to fund the Reserve Account above the state required levels. The board reviewed, and then approved the 2021 budget for the association. There was no need at this time for an increase in dues, which have held steady since 2015. The board also discussed ways to improve the trash billing. Currently, about 75% of the homeowners use the Republic program, billed through Berkeley. If everyone used it, we could negotiate a better contract, and lower costs even further. Speaking of money, our neighbor, the Williamsburg Winery, is now for sale, at $40,000,000. Some of you may have seen the information recently in the news.
Under old business, the board would like to thank the community for providing timely feedback to us concerning board meeting times. There did not seem to be any concerted interest in changing the times of the meetings. They will remain the second Monday of each month, at 4:00. All are invited to attend and provide input. Since we have been unable to have an Annual Meeting this year, due to the Covid restrictions, the board has put together a newsletter for you which highlights this year’s activities. We are also sending you a copy of the new 2021 budget. Hopefully the annual meeting can resume in April of 2021, and life can return to a more normal level. If you need a break now, take a stroll through Colonial Williamsburg; the trees are changing, and it is beautiful!
The board of the Vineyards Homeowners Association held its monthly meeting on September 14, at 4:00. We were delighted that several homeowners joined us for an informative and lively discussion of items of mutual concern and interest. We were able to field numerous questions about the lakes and the dams, as well as entertain ideas about ongoing maintenance issues for these areas. Additionally, two residents who were in attendance spoke of their concerns regarding how the beaver situation was handled, and the board appreciated their comments. The board acknowledged that the matter will be handled differently in the future should the need arise to take action regarding beaver damage in the common areas. Also, all residents are encouraged to let us know about our meeting time, as an email went out last night to get your input. More information is posted monthly on our website, through the summary and the lake reports.
Speaking of lakes, ours look very clear and lovely at this time of year. The area has again received above average rainfall. As Dane Belden reported earlier, every one inch of rain sees the lakes rise by 3.5 inches. Our efforts this year in treatments of algae and invasive aquatic plants saw a decrease in the number of applications, saving both money and the environment. It is a major focus of this board to preserve and protect the lakes, and the dams which contain them. If you are a new resident, for your information, these lakes are not natural lakes, but essentially storm water retention ponds. In light of this, please take care not to blow fallen leaves into the lakes, or into the sewer drains. This helps us continue to care for them.
Ron Staples, who is in charge of maintenance, reported that painting projects and wood repair for both the entrance and the gazebo are now completed. The entrance lighting is also repaired, as well as the in-ground sprinkler system. Monday was the last day for pool use, and it will be covered for the season. Thanks to everyone who made the very difficult season easier for folks. This has been a year of adaptation!
Maggie LaCasse reported that finances are in good shape, and we are ahead of last year’s budget estimates. Our reserve account is also ahead of the state requirements. Next month we will review our 2021 budget projections and send it out to you for input. The next big project will be the renewal of our tennis courts; this project was delayed by a year because of the impact of the virus. There will also be more tree work on the upper dam area of common property.
Wrapping up this month’s meeting, Diana Skeleton reviewed all of the ARC approvals for the past several months. Please remember to contact Diana before undertaking projects, including adding sheds, or removing trees. There are forms on the website for this.
Our next meeting is scheduled for October 12, at 4:00 p.m. Please feel free to join us, as all meetings are open to the residents.
The board held its monthly meeting at the clubhouse on August 10, 2020. Several neighbors were in attendance. The board would like to thank Campbell Hickman for her excellent effort at the pool this summer; she has done a fine job and is leaving for college this week. For the remainder of the summer, Chris Clemons will be our ‘go to’ man for the pool opening, closing, and maintenance. The board also decided to keep the pool open a little longer in September due to the slow start with Covid. Thanks to all the neighbors who helped us out by complying with the governor’s directives!
Dane Belden gave a complete report on the lake status as it stands for August. Tropical storm Isaias was the big event this month. Our lake levels have been kept high over the course of the last months, but Dane was able to lower them prior to the storm, to alleviate stress on our dams. We recorded almost 6 inches of rain in a relatively short amount of time, and the upper lake breached the spillway. The storm moved fast, and by mid- morning the water level had dropped to where it no longer overflowed the spillway. No damage appeared at the spillway, which is important to the safety of the overall dam. Dane’s data indicates that lakes rise at 3.5 times the amount of rain in an event. Our lakes were created by the construction of these two earthen dams, and their safety and integrity is paramount to the community. Dane also prepared an extensive review of the effects that keeping the water levels high had on the lake. In response to concerns of residents, it appears that the higher water level did impact plants on the previous margins of the lake. However, all the margins of both lakes are quite healthy. Plants are green and growing. There is an abundance of healthy fish and fowl around and in the lake. He reviewed our use of chemicals, which is continuing to decline from year to year. This year the lakes had only one treatment of Sonar, at the lowest possible amount of 45 parts per billion. Other treatments have been mostly spot treatments, with no full lake treatments for either algae or invasive plants. We are continuing on our path to reduce treatments to the lowest possible amount and maintain the environment in a safe and responsible manner.
The board also reviewed ARC recommendations. We thank Diana Skelton and her committee for their efforts on behalf of the community. We also thank our homeowners for participating in a productive collaborative relationship with our committee. It’s a win-win for everyone involved! To our neighbors, if you need help with lawn mowing or other landscape problems, please contact someone on the board. We are here to help!
Maggie Lacasse reviewed our finances. We are in a good position going forward. We have CD’s maturing in the coming months, which will help us pay for some of the tennis court renovation. This project was put on hold due to the virus, but we need to move ahead on it. She is also working on our projected budget for 2021. You will hear more on this in the next month, but it is that time again!
Ron Staples gave a complete report on all of our maintenance for the month. We hired a new pest control company, and save three hundred dollars for the coming year, as well as planning for a termite inspection/treatment at the clubhouse. Our sprinkler system at the front entrance should be up and running soon. Power washing and painting of the entrance trellises and the gazebo are underway. New “Private Property” signs have been erected at the clubhouse. We also approved the hiring of a rodent control specialist to deal with damage to dam faces, and existing landscape on the lake margins. It is imperative to maintain dam integrity, especially now as we enter a very active hurricane season.
All in all, it has been a busy month since our last meeting in July. Again, our meetings are the second Monday of each month, at 4:00 at the clubhouse. We are continuing the work of the community despite the virus. We are also planning on how to best proceed with our much-delayed annual meeting, and elections. Covid has certainly been a disrupter this year, but the work gets done. The board encourages your input and collaboration!
The Vineyards Board met on July 13 for our monthly report. Despite the pandemic, we are continuing to monitor and work for the Vineyards community. The state of Virginia has moved to Phase 3 in the Covid plan. More announcements on the pool will be forthcoming. Additionally, you will notice more signage around the clubhouse to discourage non-residents from using the facilities such as the lake. Thanks to residents for their vigilance. Our lakes look really lovely at this point in the year; the water is high, and the temperatures are normal. Weeds are down; you may see some harmless scum on the surface, especially early in the morning. Be sure and read Dane’s full report and look at the pictures which cover a three-year span. Very revealing! Dominion Power has finally finished installing new electrical lines for the front entrance, and the meter is set. Our entrance is lighted again, and our well pump and irrigation system is being fine-tuned, just in time for our hottest part of the year. Our finances, under the stewardship of Maggie LaCasse, are in good shape. Our funds and expenses are better than our budget previously anticipated. We will start looking at next year’s budget soon; our focus turns once again to the delayed tennis court renovation which was pushed to 2021 due to the virus. Entrance trellises and the gazebo will also get some attention. The ARC, under the leadership of Diana Skelton, has approved some tree removal. Residents, please remember to fill out an ARC form before contacting a tree company. All properties on the lake, and many more in the Vineyards, fall under James City County’s RPA guidelines. You cannot remove trees 100 feet or less from the edge of an RPA. Please talk to Diana before attempting to remove trees; you will need permission from the county to do so! A big thank you goes out to the many residents who filled out a waiver to use the pool. We appreciate your understanding and patience in this difficult time. We have several new families in the Vineyards that we would like to welcome. Take time to say hi if you run into them walking or at the pool! Good to have new folks!
On a bright spring afternoon, the board met on the back deck of the clubhouse, at an appropriate distance from each other. These are indeed strange new times, with new challenges. The community is blessed with plenty of space, and beautiful views. Many residents are walking and enjoying the sights and sounds of spring. The board discussed the new guidelines issued by the governor’s office. For the time being, recreation and meeting areas are closed. We will continue operations and maintenance as usual. Tree work has been completed and the clubhouse exterior has been power washed. The board will go ahead and get the pool cleaned and ready for a reopening when the state gives us the go ahead. We are postponing the annual meeting until given a solid time frame, but probably sometime in June. There are two openings on the board, if anyone is interested, please contact Dave Coffield. Finances are in good shape considering the market fluctuations. ARC approved a fence for the Clemens’ property. The lake is doing well. The yellow covering is the pollen accumulating on the surface. Rainfall has been plentiful in the area and promises to continue on this pattern. Our next meeting is scheduled for May 11. Feel free to contact any board member if you have concerns. Meanwhile, everyone stay safe and practice your social distancing!
The board met on Monday, March 9 for the monthly meeting. We all agreed that spring is definitely coming in a little early! People are out and about, enjoying the warmer weather. Dane Belden reported that the lakes look good, but it should be noted that the overall water temperatures have been warmer, due to the mild winter. Algae is hugging the southern ends of both lakes where leaves naturally accumulate. Solitude has visited twice each month over the fall and the winter, and we are doing some minor treatment now. Rainfall has balanced out to be about average, with more rain in February.
Maintenance work is ongoing, with fence rail replacements, and winter cleanup. Some tree removal has also occurred around the tennis courts as we move forward with that project. Final railings were installed on the deck, and next month we will discuss the opening of the pool in May. The board also approved a new Welcome Packet for the Vineyards. Dane will post this on the website.
Finally, we are getting ready for the annual meeting. Dane posted an alert for the April 20th date. We will have our monthly meeting on April 6 at 4:00 at the clubhouse; please feel free to join in the discussion. Dave Coffield and Ellen Spore are still recruiting possible candidates for board openings. Call one of them if you have an interest. Again, Berkeley will send out letters and proxies prior to this meeting; we do hope that all will plan to attend. We will have a presentation on the tennis court renovation. The meeting will be in the clubhouse this year, at 6:30.
The board began the new year with a meeting on January 13, 2020. We had a delegation of members from the Hospitality Committee address the board about the tragic loss of a community leader, Susie Beck, on January 1, 2020. We will begin thinking of a suitable way for the community to remember her. The committee also discussed the board finishing the Welcome Booklet and clarifying pool and clubhouse rules for the new year. Marti Coffield and Ellen Spore will spearhead the new nominating committee for the April elections. There are two opening; if you are interested, please contact them!
Dane gave a report on the lake, which is full, and working above the design levels. The recent rains have it looking great, and no treatments have been done since October 17. Solitude was here on January 8 and inspected the lakes. A reminder to all homeowners, please DO NOT blow leaves into the lake or the common areas of the community.
Ron Staples discussed the ongoing maintenance of the property. The deck is done, and rails and lighting are in, along with some much-needed lighting in front of the clubhouse. We will be going ahead and working with Virginia Power to install electric lines for the front entrance. You may have noticed that Cox is laying new cable lines along Jockey’s Neck Trail.
Under new business, we have a nominations committee to seek out interested homeowners to run for the board. There will be two openings. Please contact Ellen Spore or Marti/Dave Coffield if you are interested in running for the board. We also have construction underway on Reserve Drive for a new home. Our next meeting is February 7, 2020, at 4:00 p.m.
The board held its December meeting and a meeting for the community on the budget December 9, 2019. Dane Belden gave his lake report, which shows, from 18 months of data, that our decisions regarding the lake have shown positive results. The water level is up, weed/algae control doing well. No treatments are needed until early spring. Beaver are reported in the lake as well, so if you have not securely wrapped your pond side trees in chicken wire, you need to! We are still waiting on the final lighting installation on the deck, but the majority of the project is done. The new deck and refurbished clubhouse look wonderful, and just in time for the Christmas party! Under ARC news, we have a new home going up on Reserve Drive! Please be sure to contact Diana Skelton for construction/landscape projects and use the forms on our website.
In a separate meeting, our treasurer, Maggie LaCasse, gave a detailed overview of our 2019-2020 budget. Despite our large projects, and thanks to an excellent insurance settlement, we are solidly on track for the new year. We have a new deck, railings and lighting. Additionally, the clubhouse has been renovated, with new floors, paint, bathrooms, and HVAC system. Ron Staples handled all the vendors in this expensive project. In addition to all of that, our pool was renovated this year. Whew!! Maggie also went over the current Capital Reserve Study, and explained how this contributes to our financial well-being. We also have a system, DMA, which allows for ongoing line-item updates as we complete projects. Look for more information on this in the future. Also, our dues will NOT increase in the new year, thanks to prudent management of project and contracts. Next year the board will work on refurbishing the old tennis courts, and creating a pickle ball court, in addition to tennis. Much to be thankful for in the new year!
The VHOA board met on November 11 at 4:00 at the clubhouse. Kathy Blevins presented research to the board regarding the new sport of Pickleball. Several residents here are interested in establishing a court and getting together to play. The board responded positively; next year is our year to address upgrading/repairing the tennis courts. It is not difficult to have a court lined for pickleball as well as tennis. The board approved Kathy’s request to paint pickleball lines on the court that has the net. It will not interfere with use of the court for tennis.
On another note, the power line that runs the front entrance lights and sprinkler system was cut during the recent sewer line hookup. Ron Staples is working with Dominion Power to see our options for repair. Bear with us as we work on this problem.
Much work is coming to completion this month. The new deck has the flooring in, as well as significant repair/replacement of joist and support systems. The deck is more handicapped accessible now, where it overlooks the lake. The railings for the new deck will replicate the railings at the pool, thus providing lighting for the deck, and a much-improved appearance. We hope that the entire project will be completed by the first week in December. The construction road used for the pool has been graded and reseeded. The lake is looking exceptionally good, according to Randy Chambers of William and Mary, who was here recently for an inspection.
Maggie Lacasse reviewed the budget, and the financial status of the board. We are in excellent shape as we head to the end of the year. We are ahead on income, and expenses have come in better than anticipated. The new trash contract has been signed, and Maggie has also worked on updating our interactive DMA account so that we can stay abreast of costs and upgrades to the property. We will have a special meeting in December to answer any questions about the budget. Look for a mailing coming your way soon about this.
Finally, new construction has been approved by the ARC for a home on Reserve Drive. Jeff and Lynn Levy will be the owners here. We also had a new family move into the former Stephens’ home, Kyle and Joni Johnson. Please welcome them to the Vineyards!
The VHOA board met on October 7, 2019. We had an excellent meeting covering several areas. The two chairs of the Hospitality Committee made a presentation to the board concerning the committee and their future plans. We are track for a Christmas party this year, and 6 Friday Frenzies next summer, when the pool opens. The board went over some guidelines with the committee concerning monthly contacts and communication. The committee functions as “the eyes and ears” of our community, connecting to the newcomers, whether renters or owners. They bring a welcome smile and a Vineyards cookbook to each new family. Although they do not meet every month, they will provide, either in person or in writing, a summary of activity to the board. We look forward to increasing the communication from the committee to the board and the community.
Dane reviewed our lake status. If you have not noticed, the entire southeast is experiencing what is called a “flash drought”. There has been almost no rain for the last two months, nor is there any in the forecast. Lakes are dropping; planktonic algae (harmless) is blooming. The leaf fall is already starting. Be aware of disposing of your leaves. Do not blow them into the lakes! We also have a new replacement for Solitude’s main service agent, Kyle, who has moved to Texas. Hopefully rains may come in the winter to alleviate the drought.
Under old business, the CDR folks have rectified any problems from this year’s race. Next year the race is scheduled for August 8. August 7 is also blocked out if you are planning to use the clubhouse. Please mark your calendars!
Board discussed the replacement progress for the deck. We are going to move ahead with the demolition now and try to get the deck done before the holidays. Deck will soon be unavailable for access. We will send out a notice before this happens. Look around our community and you will also see new benches going in for your enjoyment. Thanks Ron!!
Maggie gave a complete financial report. Our accounts are all on track, and in good shape. We are making money on our laddered CD’s, and there are funds available for all our construction needs. Maggie also went over our newly renegotiated trash contract with Republic Waste. She was able to reduce fees and eliminate some items. We are going to be communicating further on trash fees with you at the April meeting. We were unaware, but Republic also owns Allied Waste and BFI. Maggie can negotiate a better deal if all homeowners are under one blanket trash policy. More to follow in the Annual April Meeting!
Under the ARC committee, Diana is planning to clarify and update new guidelines for some areas, such as docks. Please remember to fill out the appropriate forms and submit to the ARC committee if you are planning on tree removal or any kind of construction. Much of the Vineyards falls under the RPA and Chesapeake Bay guidelines so be aware of the restrictions.
We are well underway with our budget process this year. The board will hold a special late session in December to review and the budget, at 6:30 on December 9.
We also have a Christmas party for December on the schedule; look for your invitation to this wonderful event!
The board met at the new time of 4:00p.m. Everyone was there, and we proceeded immediately. First, the pool is now officially closed for the season. Next year, the pool will open the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. It will close the Tuesday after Labor Day. There will be no changes unless you hear directly from the board. Overall, the new pool company did a great job with the new pool. Many more residents took advantage of this amenity. In August, the CDR road race was held with minimal disruption to the neighborhood. Changes are in place for next year, including rectifying the parking on Pate’s Creek and Burnwether. Dane then gave his update on the lake, which is looking really good. We have had over 5 inches more rain this year, which helped keep the algae moving over and out of the lakes. Keeping the lake as full as possible helps this process. We used fewer chemicals this year, which was one of our main goals. Solitude responded quickly to any concerns, and we were pleased with them. You can see the full update on the webpage.
Ron Staples reviewed the maintenance, including the pool area. We have had problems with the outside electrical outlets; they are now fixed. Ron and the board went outside to review the condition of the deck, which is due for replacement in 2020. Ron is now in the process of getting bids for the work. The deck is now our focus, for redo in the fall if possible. The final product will complement the new pool area.
Moving forward, the board is beginning the process of working on next year’s budget. Maggie has done a great job reconciling our books. We found that our major trash company (Republic) has increased fees substantially. Residents should look for a letter explaining these price increases. You should see a new trash fee in the next quarter’s billing, if you opted for Republic. Republic went from $52.32 per quarter to $69.03. If you are participating in recycling, you should have been billed by the county separately. Our capital projects for 2020 include the deck, the parking lot, and the tennis courts. Doing these substantial projects is certainly helped with the installation of new software to monitor all our capital project costs.
The autumn weather has many people out and about; please take time to welcome our new neighbors. There are several families either here now or moving here soon. The board also is endeavoring to improve the communication between our newcomers, the hospitality committee and Berkeley Realty. We hope that our new deck will be completed in time for our annual Christmas party, where we can meet and greet new folks, and old friends. Enjoy Autumn!
The VHOA board met August 8 for its monthly meeting. Overall, things are shaping up well in the neighborhood. All the tree work has been completed, and landscaping is looking great. The newly renovated pool is a welcome treat on these hot days. This Saturday, August 10 is the annual CDR race which we will host again. Please take time to review the lake report posted on the website. Our lakes have never looked better and are performing as designed. In regard to the clubhouse, all repairs have been made to the board’s satisfaction. Nationwide Insurance covered all the costs, and Ron Staples did yeoman’s work coordinating all the repairs and contractors. Our expenses for the year are coming in as targeted, or slightly lower. The board will begin looking at next year’s budget starting in our September meeting. Our meeting date is September 9 at 4:00 if you would like to attend. There is one more Friday Frenzy, scheduled for the end of the month, prior to the Labor Day weekend. Enjoy what’s left of summer!
The board held its monthly meeting July 8, 2019. We met in the newly refurbished and repaired clubhouse. Under community comments, much praise for the appearance of the renovated clubhouse, and the pool. There are a few minor repairs yet to be done, but overall repairs are completed.
Dane Belden submitted his lake report. Despite a three week stretch in June with no rain, lakes look to be in good shape. We are slightly ahead of annual rainfall for the year. Lake temperatures are conducive now for algae and aquatic growth. Both are under control with the current treatment schedule. We are treating less than last year. Dane’s data seems to reinforce our initial premise, that ceasing irrigation has had a positive effect on the lakes. We are at or slightly above the design levels. We will continue the monitoring efforts.
The board spent time reviewing all that has been done for the clubhouse since the May flood. We now have the following: all new floors throughout the facility, new bathroom sinks and vanities, new water heater, all new ductwork under the clubhouse, and a completely reconditioned crawlspace. We also have a new 4-ton self-contained HVAC system. The clubhouse has been cleaned, windows washed, and ruined items disposed of. The pool area looks wonderful. We still need to replace the phone system in the clubhouse and paint the bathrooms. Our thirty-year-old clubhouse has never looked better! It will take approximately one more month to get all insurance issues completed, but things appear to be going well. We had 55 homeowners enjoy our first Friday Frenzy on July 5. A great time was had by all. We also collected a generous amount of canned goods to donate to the summer food pantries.
The treasurer’s report was positive. So far, we have received $88,000 from the insurance company. The lake appears to be costing less, and we are slightly ahead of our budget projections. Our trash contract with Republic comes up for discussion and renewal in August. It appears that some changes will be coming. Also, be aware that homeowners will be billed by the recycling company $7.00 a month for the new recycling pickup. If you do not want it, you must contact the company and opt out.
Under new business, the board elected a slate of officers. They are as follows: President, Randy Steck; Vice-President, John Herrin; Secretary, Susan Miller; Treasurer, Maggie LaCasse; At-large, Diana Skelton. Diana will also be the new chair of the ARC (Architectural Review Committee). Also, the board meetings will be held at 4:00 p.m. starting next month.
Summary of Annual Meeting Held on June 10, 2019
Last night, June 10, was the annual homeowners’ meeting for our Vineyards community. Randy Steck welcomed homeowners to the Winery, who graciously hosted our meeting due to the temporary loss of our clubhouse. The Winery provided wine and food to the assembled homeowners. Later in the meeting Patrick Duffeler, Jr. joined us and gave a brief set of remarks about the progress of the winery, and some news of new releases. The culinary team just returned from the James Beard house and will be the primary host next year. The Winery has opened tasting rooms in Williamsburg as well as Virginia Beach. Last year was their best year ever. The anticipated release of the 2017 reds is exciting!
This welcome was followed by a brief set of remarks from the leaders of the Child Development Resource association. They were there to thank the homeowners for the use of the Vineyards for their annual road race. The non- profit group is 54 years old and serves a population of about 1,200 children a year. They need to fund raise to supplement their federal, state and local grants. Over the 12 years they have been in the Vineyards, they have raised $562,000.00 for the children. This year’s race is August 10, in the morning. It should conclude about noon. They plan to add a family obstacle course this year. The leaders encouraged us to form a team and help in this.
Next, Maggie LaCasse reviewed our finances for the past year, explaining budget variances, some loss of income on investments, and our savings of about $5,400 over projections. The 2019 budget is in better shape with a positive variance. Expenses are running at about $162,000, or up 15 thousand from last year. The costs have been kept down by timely repairs and maintenance done by Ron Staples. This keeps us from invading the Capital Reserve. Our lake maintenance is the same as last year, at 17 thousand, but our expenses are down by about 4 thousand. Maggie reviewed the Capital Reserve account. She moved underperforming equities to money market and laddered cd’s. She also moved 120 thousand into mutual funds yielding 4%. Through April we are 12 thousand to the good. We are continuing to be cautious with our money. According to the Capital Reserve study done recently, we need 254 thousand in the Capital Reserve fund by the end of the year. We are on target to achieve that. The interactive study allows us to do a line by line item analysis and update at least every 6 months on our expenditures. Maggie fielded questions on our mutual funds, explaining how we use the reserve study to stay on top of expenses. This interactive account helps us schedule anticipated costs and our corresponding contributions. We hope to continue to keep our annual dues where they are at this point. She also went over the cost of the pool, and explained our investment team at Morgan Stanley.
Susan Miller reviewed the last 14 months of ongoing maintenance items. This year has been challenging. We dealt with the usual issues, as well as moving forward with the lake progress. When the pool opened last year, the board began the process of planning for a complete renovation of the old pool. This process concluded with the opening of the new pool area in 2019. The board worked with various engineering companies as well this past year to establish guidelines for the dams, and the lake levels. Regular maintenance continues with power washing, street cleaning, fence repair, and other issues as they arose. Two areas of concern which will be addressed in July are the decks, and the tennis courts. The deck will need to be replaced, and the tennis courts may undergo modification as well. Our landscape company has signed on for another year, at the same rate. We also hired a new more responsive pool company, Continental, from Richmond, to provide daily maintenance. As the pool got ready to open, we experienced a complete water heater break on a weekend in early May. This water leak, even though discovered the next day, led to the complete replacement of all floors in the clubhouse, as well as all ductwork. Clubhouse still has a way to go before final inspections, and cleaning/touch up of the interior as we work to complete the task.
Under the heading of New Business, Randy Steck discussed some options for the tennis courts. We also answered questions about VDOT and the condition of our roads. All in all, there have been many improvements over the past 14 months in our property. Randy also gave a brief update on the much-improved condition of the lakes. Dane will send out a May report, including photos from the previous year, for comparison. Then Susie Beck spoke to the homeowners on a need to get back to doing a collaborative project, such as Relay for Life, to reinvigorate the positive feelings of neighborliness.
Finally, votes were tabulated last night for the 3 open positions on the board. The following people were elected: Susan Miller, John Herrin, and Randy Steck. The board thanks Lisa Goodman for her outstanding contributions to the welfare of the community. The meeting adjourned around 8:00 p.m. Our next community event will be the July 5th Friday Frenzy, where we hope to show off a completed clubhouse facility. We will send out notice of all events as the clubhouse becomes available.
The VHOA board held its monthly meeting on May 9, 2019. A quorum was established, and we proceeded with much business. The board discussed a general clean-up of properties in the Vineyards, including construction projects, and common areas. Board emphasized the need for all homeowners to get approval before cutting down trees or undertaking additions. Please also attend to your grass mowing or call us for help if you need it.
Dane Belden gave a detailed lake report. Treatments are now underway as the water warms up. Kyle is now treating for algae and cattails. The slender pond weed is lessening after its treatment in April, so he did not do a bump treatment. Our goal is to treat less and use less chemical material. The lakes are at the design level, and water outflow is slowing down as temperatures increase and evaporation increases. Rainfall remains plentiful. There is much aquatic activity, with blue gill, bass and turtles in abundance. Water temperatures were at 81 degrees in both lakes on May 5. You will see pennywort in the coves, which hopefully will provide a natural deterrent to the algae growth. Dane and Kyle continue their close working relationship, meeting before and after each visit by Solitude.
Christine Payne gave her report on the election search committee results. We have one additional resident on the ballot for the June election. Christine is interested in establishing a ‘community liaison’ role, where residents volunteer to attend a monthly board meeting. Look for a sign-up sheet at the Annual Meeting on June 10. We will also have a presentation at that meeting by the Child Development Resource board. They are a wonderful local group that sponsors a “Road Race” here in the Vineyards as part of their fundraising. It is in early August, so look for details on our website concerning the race.
Maintenance issues consumed a large part of our meeting. Ron Staples gave a detailed report on the pool renovation project, which is coming along nicely. The concrete is done surrounding the pool and clean up/renovation of the pool itself is underway prior to its being refilled. The new fencing is coming in and will be installed along with its river stone ‘mulch’. The renovated pool furniture is ready to go also. That’s the good news, now for some unpleasant news concerning the clubhouse. Late last Friday night, May 3, our water heater ruptured and began flooding the clubhouse. Ron’s worker, Joe, fortunately stopped to check on the clubhouse Saturday morning, and discovered the leak. The company Ron called on, Stat, responded within the hour, and began the clean-up, which is extensive. It included removal of the floors in the clubhouse, and the bathroom areas, as well as ductwork under the clubhouse, which had also flooded as water went down the floor vents. Ron Staples, Susan Miller and the team from Stat met with our Nationwide insurance adjuster Friday, May 10, to review the damage. We are awaiting his analysis before proceeding with what is now a complete renovation of most of the clubhouse areas. We will keep you informed as events develop, and repair/replacements begin. Obviously this unforeseen event has caused upheaval of many planned events, including, possibly, the pool opening day of May 24, and even the June 10 annual meeting. We will keep the community informed by email, and also by our website.
In additional areas of interest, some landscaping will be occurring at the gazebo, and the entrance to the clubhouse, in the next few weeks. The ARC approved a new fence project for a resident, as well as tree removal for another. Please remember to contact the ARC before starting projects or cutting trees down. Some of you have noticed the gravel ‘driveway’, which was installed to allow the heavy cement trucks to pour cement at the pool. This will be removed in the fall, and the area affected reseeded and cleaned up. We are still awaiting final tree clean up from our tree service.
Please monitor your email and view the website for updates and meeting changes if they occur. Annual meeting is still scheduled for June 10 as of now.
The board held its monthly meeting on April 8, 2019. We addressed community concerns about dogs off leash. County law says they can be off leash if they are under the control of their owners. We also discussed construction issues, and the trailer left on roadside by a construction site.
Dane gave a very comprehensive lake report. The lake temperature is now in the mid 60’s; Sonar has been applied. Algae and Pennywort are growing in both lakes. Next week Solitude takes water samples and may need to conduct a bump treatment. Sonar does not address Pennywort or cattails. The migratory birds are gone, replaced by water snakes, and a possible beaver. The fish are plentiful, as are minnows. Lake levels are at design levels. An inch of rain leads to four inches of lake rise. Unfortunately, it appears that control valves were not added to either lake to facilitate drainage of the lakes if it was ever needed. Board will consider an action plan for lowering the lakes if needed, such as in a hurricane. We discussed adding Pickeral weed as a natural barrier along the edges of the lake.
Under old business, Dave Coffield and Christine Payne will form a nominating committee to look for people interested in being on the board. Residents were notified by email and also letter. Board annual meeting will be held on June 10. Please contact Christine if you are interested in serving on this committee. Also under old business is our community trash contract, utilized by about 70 residents. We will investigate this program in the near future to see if we can get a better group price for services from Republic if all residents participate.
The pool construction is coming along, despite the rain. We are still on target for our pool season opening on May 24. Please observe the no trespassing signs on this project and stay off the site while work is going on.
Maggie gave a comprehensive review of our budget, which will also be included in a letter to all residents. Costs for projects are on target, and funds allocated. Maggie and Ed Robbins are meeting soon for a review of finances with the new finance person for Berkeley Realty Property Management. Maggie also opted for CDs with a better return on our investments. All in all, it was a very solid report.
Our next meeting will be held at 4:30 on May 13.
The Vineyards board met on Monday, March 11, at 4:30. We were all in attendance and a quorum was established. Lisa gave an update on Dominion Power. She has contacted them to get them to reset leaning light poles, which could take as long as two months. Ron gave an update about tree work; it is still scheduled based on Top Notch’s availability. The board undertook a detailed review of our draft of the Capital Reserve Analysis. Overall, the analysis is right on target. We made a few small changes, based on ongoing work, and work previously completed. The final report should be done shortly. The board also went over the two contracts with Continental Pools, one for the construction phase and one for the summer maintenance. The contracts were approved, pending one more quote on pipe replacement. Continental will be servicing our pool seven days a week starting in May. There was no formal presentation of a lake report, but Dane said the lake is on target for springtime and is in good shape.
Under maintenance, Ron reviewed an extensive list. He has replaced the leaking water fountain in the clubhouse. Fence repairs/replacement continue at the entrance. Ron and Randy have made trips to inspect other tennis court repairs/updates to see about the future of our tennis courts. Ron has also brought in a bench for the board’s approval. The board will be placing several benches around the property to provide a place to sit and enjoy the view of the lakes. Ron also met with Knightscapes to discuss changes to the sprinkler system at the clubhouse. The board took some time also before the meeting to inspect the ongoing construction of the new pool deck, which is coming along nicely now that we have a break from the rain.
Maggie gave a detailed review of our financial statements. She has made sure that there is enough cash on hand to fund all the projects. She is also meeting with our investment team to ladder out existing CDs into more profitable bonds. We are currently looking at costs of the quarterly trash pick-up. Additionally, Ed Robbins has hired a new accountant to oversee the books. The board also took time to review costs of capital reserve items for future needs, in an effort to plan ahead for all financial activity.
Finally, next month is our annual meeting, scheduled for April 29, at 7:00 p.m. The board plans to provide a full update of the last 12 months, hold elections, and present a guest speaker for an update on our charitable participation. Hope you can attend!
The monthly board meeting was held on February 4, 2019. We dealt with some community concerns first, including allowing a non-profit sponsored by a homeowner to meet at the clubhouse. Lisa Goodman Kidd will also represent the board and meet with Dominion Power to have them look at our ‘leaning’ light posts and offer a solution. The whole neighborhood will be cleaned up of winter debris by Top Notch Tree in the near future.
Dane Belden gave the lake report. Lakes are now slightly above design level and doing well. He will post a picture of the shiny brown bacterial discharge that is now appearing in the lakes on our website. It is part of a natural process. Dane has also archived the engineering reports from Tri-State engineers.
Under old business, we are still waiting on a report from Waste Management concerning fees. Randy has also talked with Olsen builders about lot clean up on the construction site. We are awaiting the draft of our third reserve study. Once that comes in, we will meet at Berkeley Realty offices for a complete review of all items in the Vineyards, their cost and their replacement costs. This helps the board maintain a healthy balance in the Capital Reserve Account to pay for large ticket replacement items.
Our next big focus, spear headed by Ron, is the updating of our thirty-year-old pool. We have multiple bids, and selected one from Colonial Concrete, to replace the pool decking. Our old fence, which no longer meets code, will be replaced. We also are replacing pipes and plumbing and adding jets to the baby pool. This will be handled by Continental Pools. Our pool furniture has all been refurbished; some items have been replaced as well. Dane will put a rendering on the website in the near future, so that you can get a look at what promises to be an exciting renovation.
Maggie LaCasse gave the financial report. Our accounts are in solid shape, with money in the reserve account for all projects, as well as monies in additional CD’s. Once we meet and go over the new capital reserve study, we can adjust our accounts as needed. Every month we put money into this account, which then is used for big projects, like the pool, or the HVAC systems. A reserve study guides us in terms of deposits, and eventually quarterly assessments. Good budgeting keeps everything under control. Looking into the future, we may need to replace our aging deck, and possibly the HVAC system.
Our next meeting is Monday, March 11. We hope to have a final Reserve Study by then. We will plan our April annual meeting also. This will be held on April 29. The regular meeting is April 8, at 4:30. The board will elect at least one new member; information will come out in that regard.
The Vineyards Homeowners Board met at 4:30 on Monday, January 14. Some of the items discussed were as follows. Look for more information concerning the ongoing lake treatment program, and other related items on our website. Please make an effort to check the website for all types of pertinent information. The lake is now operating at or above design levels, with water temperature at 45 degrees. There are many migratory birds on or around the lake. Ron Staples discussed the ongoing process to get competitive bids for the pool renovation project. We will be replacing the fence and the concrete, giving the pool an updated and refreshed appearance. Ron and Susan Miller will be going over the tree needs of the neighborhood, and lining up tree clean up, and pruning. We also plan to spread the resulting mulch on the nature trail. Call Randy if you would like to help. Dane Belden and Ron will coordinate with Tri State engineers to get all existing documents and videos of the dams, in an effort to focus on the dam. Ron has met with VDOT to discuss deteriorating road conditions around the Pate’s Creek cul-de-sac. Berkeley Property Management is coordinating with a new financial team, P.B. Mears. The Vineyards has a new Capital Reserve Project Analysis coming in at the end of the month, from Design Management Associates. We will present this at the annual meeting and go over some of this year’s projects. The board would like to welcome Diana Skelton as a new member, filling a long existing vacancy. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 4, which is a change from our usual second Monday meeting date. Time remains at 4:30. Meetings are open to all residents.